Sunday, October 28, 2007

Gizmo's Pumpkin

We finally broke down and bought a pumpkin. We weren't going to carve one this year because we were lazy, but Ed wanted to try making pumpkin seeds and I wanted to carve a pumpkin. So we just bought one for 'Gizmo'. The only issue is that you don't get many seeds out of one pumpkin, but I don't have the muscles to carve two, and Ed wasn't into carving this year. So I pretty much did the entire pumpkin festivities on my own while Ed watched football. I made him do the seeds though.
We were trying to get Gizmo's picture with his pumpkin, but we had to take the top off of it to get him close to it and interested in it. Well before you know it, he had the pumpkin top in his mouth and was carrying it off to the other room to play with. So I guess he liked it after all.
More pictures in the Photo Album...

Saturday Night Bowling...

Yes, we are bowling again this year, they talked me into it. I only bowl about once a month because of conflicts with my work schedule, but that is enough for me. My score seems to be struggling due to the lack of consistency though.
Ed on the other hand, who bowls 6 times a month between Wednesday night mens league and our couples league everyother Saturday, is becoming quite the professional. I used to beat him like the first month we ever bowled together, now I am no competition. I think that is why he likes Wednesday nights so much, more competition and no whiney women. Oh well.
I think we are in about 4th place, or we were before last night when we lost all of our points for the night to the last place team. You will have that every once in a while.

Our Packer Fan...

We had to pull out Gizmo's Packer jersey for the season, finally got a few pictures of him wearing it. Still is his favorite article of clothing, better than those darn costumes.

(Yes he is peeing here, only time to can get him to stand still, sorry.)

He had to visit his favorite neighbor (Bob) and show it off too, Bob was a big fan.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Our Busy Weekend...

This warm weekend in October turned out to be a rather busy one. Ed had to work this weekend and I had off, but we had enough to do to keep me busy. Saturday while Ed was working, I mowed the lawn to try to take care of the leaves, though 12 hours later the yard was full of leaves again. Then I went and did a little browsing at the mall with Sue. Can't call it shopping because neither of us really bought anything. Pretty sad when all I can find is things for Ed. Oh well.

Saturday night my Mom and Bill were in town after the Badger game. So we went to dinner at Butler Inn and out for a couple of drinks. Crystal met us out for a few hours too. We were home pretty early since it was a busy day for most of us.

Then Sunday we had plans for brunch with my Mom's side of the family to celebrate my Grandma and Grandpa's 55th Wedding Anniversary that was this month. We went to Thunderbay Grill and then back to Karen and Dougs for some dessert.
Finally around 2pm Sunday we had time to come home and relax. Our afternoon was full of football and napping. Gizmo was a big fan of the napping. We even got in a couple of walks today with the warm weather. I wish it wouldn't end, but I have a feeling this might have been the last warm weekend of 2007.
There appears to be something wrong with this picture, Gizmo on the couch and me on the floor? He isn't spoiled at all ;-)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Women and their Dogs...

Tonight Gizmo had his girlfriends over to play. Koda (Crystal and Garrett's puppy) and Saj (pronounced: Sage, Aaron and Andrea's puppy) came over with their mommy's. It was supposed to be a night for us women to get together and hang out, but it was spent mostly by keeping an eye on the dogs romping around. We did enjoy some Papa Murphy's pizza, in between yelling at one dog or another for not sharing or playing too rough. Turns out Koda has quite the psycho side, and was trying to trample little Saj. Gizmo, being the veteran of the group was rather well behaved and stayed out of the girls way when they were fighting. All in all the dogs got a great work out and played fairly well together, after an hour when they were tired. Only one accident was had in the house, and it was on the tile and it wasn't poop so we were all happy.
Saj felt rather spoiled when we allowed her on the furniture, turns out that isn't allowed in her house. Sorry Aaron. Turns out Andrea and Aaron had an announcement of their own to make, they are expecting a baby next May, Congratulations.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Relaxing Inside... While It's Cold Outside

Well, typical Wisconsin weather in October, 85 degrees one day and 45 degrees the next. You just can't predict what mother earth will bring us. We officially used the fire place for the first time this year. And just 4 days ago we had the air conditioning on? Interesting isn't it. Since the thermostat was reading 64 degrees this morning we decided to take the cheap way around warming the house since we were both home, the fireplace. And within an hour it was unbearably warm in the family room so we had to open the screen door. But that is what it takes to heat the other half of the house, deal with the Arizona heat in the family room.

There aren't many nights that Ed and I are both home with time to relax for an hour or two. So we catch up on our DVR-ed TV shows, and spoil Gizmo. We are working on weaning Gizmo from his crate when he is home alone. I don't think he has been in it in over a week and has done just fine when left alone. I don't think he has been home alone for more than 4 hours out of the crate, but no accidents, nothing has been chewed up, he has been a good boy. So I think we will soon be breaking down the crate and storing it in the basement. Yeah Gizmo.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Happy Halloween...

Well, here is Gizmo's halloween costume for 2007. Turns out it was a little on the small side, I guess he is getting too big for this. Oh well, the pictures are cute at least. It isn't easy getting the little bugger to sit still for pictures either, makes the adventure that much more fun.

As you can see, he was more interested in it when we took it off than when he had it on. Oh well.