Saturday, February 15, 2020

KM B-ball tourney...then hockey fun

Started out our morning at KM high school playing some basketball. Hard to believe that the season is over after today. No more Monday night practice...and Saturday am games. Eddie has loved playing with the 3rd and 4th graders and his coach (Kris Kiesgan) has been great also.
The tournament was just in-house, so the 4 teams of 3rd and 4th graders. They ended up taking 3rd place.
Then we were off to Eble...for some hockey. 
This tournament was also pretty much in-house...3 Warhawk teams and a few others. 
Paid 10$ to have Eddie's picture taken while playing this weekend, then we can decide if or what we want to purchase of the pictures taken. 

Here are a few. 
When helping Eddie get his gear off today...found this gem on his leg. Apparently this happened in practice earlier in the week. Either a puck or stick to the colored war wound for sure.
After the game we ended up heading to Raised Grain brewery for some dinner with the team. We were planning on just going home...but had our arm twisted last minute. I dropped the kids and Ed off and then headed home to grab Ed's hockey gear because he had a game tonight also.
So we enjoyed some fun with the team then went to Eble to watch Ed's game. 

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