Tuesday, February 4, 2020

derm appt f/u

Today, Eddie was seen by a pediatric dermatologist for follow up on his moloscum. After our first appointment last year, we took the conservative route and were going to apply OTC medication daily to try to get rid of these. Well, we weren't the most compliant with the 35$ bottle...and they are spreading. So today, I took him back to do a more invasive option. We could 'freeze' them off, but that is topical and only addresses the bump treated...so we went the yeast injection route. You inject 2 of the bumps with yeast, it gets into your blood stream and attacks the virus itself and will eventually assist in them all resolving. Today was the first injection...knowing that it will take more than one treatment more than likely. Pictures are in hopes we can compare in future to see the progress. These are the two that were injected...but there are at least 15 more on his body...stay tuned. 

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