Friday, February 28, 2020

big decisions leave our hearts sad...

Today, we made the difficult decision to let Gizmo cross over the rainbow bridge.

I am sad to say I think we kept him on this earth for far too long...and I came to that realization on Monday. We have become to accustomed to his 'new' normal the last year or so, and finally I realized that his new norm is not fair for him. He did have a few rough nights this week that helped solidify the decision. The poor guy hasn't been on a walk for more than a year, hasn't been around another dog for 6+ months, can't tolerate the heat when it's warm out, can barely go up/down a flight of stairs without panting for minutes following. Ultimately, his 'floppy' airway (laryngomalacia) has taken over his life. He would cough or clear his airway often to be able to breathe, and that at time would lead to him puking. Just not a fun dog life he was able to live any longer, and it was time for us to let him fun free in heaven with the rest of his doggy and human friends.

Just a few of our favorites of our beloved Gizmo. We tried to get him to his 15th birthday...but it just wasn't meant to be. We will celebrate you when it comes in a couple weeks despite you no longer being with us.  
We will always remember your zooms, your love to lick plates (ice cream bowls), your fetish with human ears, ability to snuggle up next to anyone, your head tilt, gentle manner, and all of the other things that will make any other dog unable to live up to. Breathe easy in doggy heaven my friend. 

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