Saturday, February 29, 2020

catching up

Nothing like finally getting the Fatheads Eddie got for Christmas on the wall...better late than never. 
I think I was trying to stay busy to take my mind off the fact that Gizmo isn't here. 

Friday, February 28, 2020

Middle school dance #1

Rowan declined to attend the first dance of the year despite our attempts to get her to we were thrilled when she said she wanted to go with her friends to this dance!
They even got ready together...via FaceTime.

We carpooled with Ella and Izzy. Izzy's mom picked all the girls up and dropped off, and I picked them up, took them to Culver's and returned them home. 
Rowan took some snapchats and sent to us while she was there...looks like (and she confirmed) she had a great time. 

 Let's say, figuring out what to wear to the dance wasn't a ton of fun...I bought her a bunch of options...and let's say I won't do that again. More work to return 90% of it.
One of the snapchats received. There were a few videos too...
Not only did they eat at Culvers, but had time to make a TikTok too.  

getting there...

 Last night, Eddie started to make a turn for the better thankfully. Powered through some Club crackers and Gatorade and slept 12 hours. Phew.
And we are joining the Zoom movement. Successful Zoom with some Smith's today. 

big decisions leave our hearts sad...

Today, we made the difficult decision to let Gizmo cross over the rainbow bridge.

I am sad to say I think we kept him on this earth for far too long...and I came to that realization on Monday. We have become to accustomed to his 'new' normal the last year or so, and finally I realized that his new norm is not fair for him. He did have a few rough nights this week that helped solidify the decision. The poor guy hasn't been on a walk for more than a year, hasn't been around another dog for 6+ months, can't tolerate the heat when it's warm out, can barely go up/down a flight of stairs without panting for minutes following. Ultimately, his 'floppy' airway (laryngomalacia) has taken over his life. He would cough or clear his airway often to be able to breathe, and that at time would lead to him puking. Just not a fun dog life he was able to live any longer, and it was time for us to let him fun free in heaven with the rest of his doggy and human friends.

Just a few of our favorites of our beloved Gizmo. We tried to get him to his 15th birthday...but it just wasn't meant to be. We will celebrate you when it comes in a couple weeks despite you no longer being with us.  
We will always remember your zooms, your love to lick plates (ice cream bowls), your fetish with human ears, ability to snuggle up next to anyone, your head tilt, gentle manner, and all of the other things that will make any other dog unable to live up to. Breathe easy in doggy heaven my friend. 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

big changes...

 My work partner is sleeping on the job...can you believe it?
And this girl graduated this week...from a booster seat!! She finally hit 4'9" tall. 
Technically the law is 8 years old and 80 pounds...or 8 years old and 4'9". She is still 8 pounds away from 80 thankfully they height restriction finally was reached. 

Sunday, February 23, 2020

last time in net...and Petit fun

Today, Eddie's team play against MWC (Milwaukee Winter Club) at the Petit. Pretty fun experience. Eddie wanted one last turn in the net too. He did great, and so did his team. They even did a shoot out for fun at the end, so he really had a good last experience.
And he chose to wear one of Ed's old jersey's while in net. Pretty cool 
While the boys were playing...Amelia and Rowan skated...and then skated with the boys after the game too!
Of course they couldn't skate without a slushy too. Taste the rainbow. 
And if that wasn't enough exercise for the day...the kids did some sledding before dark also.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Men's Badger Hockey game

We had some fun with Eddie's hockey team tonight. Headed to Madison and met the team at Chipotle for a quick dinner before heading to the game. 

Eddie stood for most of the game...he was that into it. It was a high scoring game and the Badgers won!
 The kids and I scored some new winter WI hats before the game...was a colder walk around town than we were expecting.

random artwork

Saw this in the school today...and the picture of Eddie when he is 100 is hilarious. 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sunday funday

 We started the morning with breakfast for Karen't birthday at the Lumber Inn
Then it was off to Eble for a game...
Between games we headed to lunch/apps for Karen't birthday. Wasn't enough time to go home between hockey games anyways. 
Then onto the Championship game!
The kids ran out of gas, and lost to one of the other Warhawk teams...2nd place for us.