Wednesday, October 2, 2019

no more dogs...

Remind me of last night, if I ever think I should get another dog. 

Night started out bad when we got a tornado warning on our phones at 9:45pm. So we got the kids up and went to the basement. So already starting off to bed late for me. 

Gizmo had me up from about 130am on...He was up panting, so I took him out to the bathroom. Then same thing about 20 min later. Then I went to the couch with him so that one person could sleep. He just wouldn't stop panting...took him out 4 times. Since it was raining, he wouldn't do more than pee. Finally I put him on a leash and put on my rain coat and made him stay outside until he pooped, thinking that was his deal. But still after that, he slept 30 min and then had me up again. At this point I am ready to leave him outside the rest of the night. Now it's 4:40am, not worth trying to sleep 30 more min. So I just got up and in the shower. Then at 6:40am, he was wanting to eat already. I just fed him and then he finally UGH!

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