Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween 2019

 Woke up to more white stuff this morning. Nothing like trick or treating in boots this year.
 We even had to go out and shovel the driveway after work/school before trick or treating started.

 Had a few costume changes this year too. Eddie went as the inflatable dinosaur Saturday, but we lost a piece to the fan, so I did attempt to super glue it....but once he tried on this costume that Nana had made from past years, he wanted to wear this one instead. So he stayed warm with no coat in the Sully costume. Rowan started out with us for about 5 houses and then was cold so came home and hung out by the bonfire with Ed.
 Eddie and I did the majority of our neighborhood, then when we stopped home, Rowan wanted to come again to finish up the neighborhood, so she slipped on the Poop emoji so she didn't have to get back in her penguin. Good thing we had options.
Eddie was in it for the candy tonight. He was a bit slow in this heavy costume and snow boots. But we made it. He kept saying how much fun he was having. 
So glad he can still have fun with just his Mom!
Ed burned some brush we had been wanting to get rid of. Worked out for staying warm and handing out candy too. 
Not too bad for just our neighborhood. We were a bit concerned we were going to be the only ones that didn't hand out full size candy bars. There were a fair share of houses that handed out full size, but we definitely weren't the minority. 

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