Saturday, October 27, 2018

halloween fun

Carved pumpkins this morning!
 Rowan's on left (supposed to be the rolling eye emoji) and Eddie on the right...carved by Dad.

After pumpkin carving, Rowan and I were off to Target to get some shopping done. We had some birthday gifts to get for next weekend, some dinner needs for our friends coming over, and some Booing needs because we got Boo-ed last night.

After this, Rowan headed to gymnastics. Then Ed and I had to get some work done in the garage. Move the boat and got all things that will be moved out from around it and into the first garage stall so the packers don't go near the boat on the 5th of November. Just trying to get things pulled together and organized before moving week arrives. 

We got together with the Peltier family for dinner and some fun tonight. And I didn't take 1 picture, and I am mad about it now. We have so much fun with them, parents and kids. They taught us to play cribbage this summer and it is the best. So we had a taco bar, chatted, watched some of the Wild game, played cribbage and enjoyed ourselves a ton. The kids just do their thing and get along great. We will miss them all greatly. 

Then when we were losing the kids, they headed home and we put the kids to bed and headed down the street to the Kadrie's halloween party for a bit. We even dressed up...thanks to our kids costumes from Rowan last year...and Eddie's this year. (fits Eddie and Rowan much better). We got to see many people from the neighborhood, play some flip cup, and then were home and to bed. Have we mentioned we will miss this neighborhood greatly! So many great people. 
The pumpkins at night!

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