Saturday, October 27, 2018

Adult Halloween fun!

Another busy Saturday at the Smith house!

We got Boo-ed last night...should've taken a pic of the goodies, but didn't. So this morning while the boys played, us girls went to the store to get some goodies to carry on the Boo-ing. We decided we would do the Nalipinski family and Maas Family! The kids wanted to do the delivering with the Peltier family when they came tonight. 

Then Rowan headed to Gymnastics, and Ed and I worked on getting the garage ready for the packers. Ed wanted everything out from behind the boat so they aren't working anywhere near it. 

Then we picked up Rowan and got ready for the Taco bar fun with the Peltier family. I am so angry we didn't take any pictures of our fun with them. We hung out, taco bar, watched some Wild game, played cribbage, had some fireball and apple cider and called it a night at about 945p. They decided to just go home and not go to the Kadrie's party...we decided to go hang out for a couple hours. 
So Ed and I pulled out the kids emoji costumes and off we went. We had a beer and played a few rounds of flip cup...and then were home just after midnight. Perfect for us. This is the one thing I will miss most from MN...ugh!

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