Friday, August 17, 2018

super fun Friday with family!

We are so lucky to have visitors this weekend. The Tetzlaff family arrived late last night after a rough they could play with us this weekend and watch some hockey! Today we went to the park to play, played in the pool, and then watched Eddie play some hockey!
Crazy hair fun too! 
OH can't forget Pie Face too!
Eddie even got Colter to play some knee hockey with him. We love encouraging hockey on our friends.
While we were waiting for Eddie's game to start...we got a snack since they were running behind.
Love it when my mini me/bestie comes to play! 
 These girls have so much fun together too; they never miss a beat.
Eddie's cheering you see Colter off in the distance watching Eddie closely! Too cute.
Clapping away for Eddie!
Thankful that another little person can take advantage of Eddie's hoody that he wore a couple times and then outgrew!
After that fun day...they crashed hard!

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