Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Lasik day!!

 So...I have been talking about having Lasik done for a few years...and we always thought I should hold off as long as possible so hopefully I wouldn't need it touched up. But at my annual eye appt last month...I decided it was time. Ed has been on board...but probably didn't think I would decide so quickly. So my eye doctor tested my corneal thickness and dilated and said if I do it within 3 months then I was all set. So I scheduled the consultation appointment...initially for early September but then Ed couldn't get off that day...so we moved it up to today! Consultation appt was yesterday...all was well with my eyes and I was a good candidate...so today is the day. Last day wearing glasses...until I need cheaters someday!
 Me and my 4 eyed buddy!
So Ed and the kids dropped me off...because you have to get there 45 min early to do paperwork and take Ativan and get eye drops etc...they went to get an oil change in the car while I got my eyes fixed.  I ended up getting extra Ativan because I didn't feel super different. 
I was looking darn good though sitting there relaxing! 
All went well! It was so fast. The only weird part was the burning smell when they cut the flap of my cornea...when I came out the family was waiting in the waiting room. We ended up stopping at Letterman Sports to get Eddie's skates sharpened...I was feeling loopy and was cool with it, but by the time we were there for 15 min the numbing drops were wearing off and my eyes were starting to water and burn. So I went to the car and waited for them...and at some point I apparently agreed to Ed buying new skates...no wonder it took so long. 
Then it was home to take a long nap like advised. For the next week I have to use these plastics things on my eyes when I sleep so I don't rub my eyes. And drops like crazy for the next month too. 
I can already see darn good! It's amazing! Follow up appointment tomorrow!

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