Wednesday, August 31, 2016

skating by day, school by night

Finally...I found some dead ice time to get Rowan out on hockey skates. Earlier in the summer, we traded her figure skates in for hockey skates because she is interested in trying hockey this fall. But it has been impossible to find open skate at an appropriate time for us! So today was the day...and of course, she did awesome. She had no problem standing on them and skating, but needs to work on stopping again. And because she can't stop the best, she is hesitant to skate fast. But that will come with time.
Then this evening we had welcome back conferences to meet Rowan's 3rd grade teacher. Here she is in front of her locker! Her teacher is Mrs. Ulmer! The meet and greet went well. Rowan was evaluated for reading, bus education done (for field trips), supplies dropped off, etc. Should be a good year!

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