Saturday, February 27, 2016

Nana and Papa are here!

Always good when Nana and Papa come bearing birthday gifts...early even! They arrived around lunchtime we got to spend the lovely afternoon outside enjoying the weather!
So glad I got this picture...because he truly was so excited to have rollerblades now! Best gift ever!
Here he is all ready to go! Didn't waste any time! He was definitely a little hesitant at first, but after a couple minor falls with no injuries he was good to go!
So cute how all of the girls were catering to him...!
Wouldn't be right if they didn't play some hockey this afternoon too! Obsessed. 
Was a bit of a different visit for us...with one less pup along! Nana and Papa lost Tulah to cancer a couple weeks ago, so the missing pup is definitely still an open wound. Rowan was very broken up about it. But she understands that Tulah is in a better place, pain Rowan and Nana spent quite awhile searching for new pups needing homes while they were here!
And it wouldn't be a Nana and Papa visit without Cherry Berry! After dinner we headed out for some frozen yogurt....can tell we were outside a lot today, both Rowan and Eddie had pink cheeks! More than likely a little wind burn versus sun burn at this time of year.

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