Sunday, February 28, 2016

sunday fun

We started the morning with breakfast at Key's Café...then Nana, Rowan and I attempted to do some shopping, but we weren't very successful in the purchasing department. And this is what they guys did...lazy sunday! Nana and Papa have been watching Monty for Dusty and Julie, so he came along for the visit! Talk about high maintenance. He had to be on the couch, or playing, or snoring or licking. Yikes...we have it made with Gizmo!
Then it was off to clinic!
Nana and Papa got to reminisce about their past in the rink with Dusty and Ed!
Afterwards we headed out for dinner... and they found out it was a little boys birthday soon! He got a sundae...and the waiter shoved it in his face when they were don't he has some chocolate and whipped cream on his face!
 Ed and I
 Papa, Eddie, Nana and Rowan
Can't pass up the cherry! 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Nana and Papa are here!

Always good when Nana and Papa come bearing birthday gifts...early even! They arrived around lunchtime we got to spend the lovely afternoon outside enjoying the weather!
So glad I got this picture...because he truly was so excited to have rollerblades now! Best gift ever!
Here he is all ready to go! Didn't waste any time! He was definitely a little hesitant at first, but after a couple minor falls with no injuries he was good to go!
So cute how all of the girls were catering to him...!
Wouldn't be right if they didn't play some hockey this afternoon too! Obsessed. 
Was a bit of a different visit for us...with one less pup along! Nana and Papa lost Tulah to cancer a couple weeks ago, so the missing pup is definitely still an open wound. Rowan was very broken up about it. But she understands that Tulah is in a better place, pain Rowan and Nana spent quite awhile searching for new pups needing homes while they were here!
And it wouldn't be a Nana and Papa visit without Cherry Berry! After dinner we headed out for some frozen yogurt....can tell we were outside a lot today, both Rowan and Eddie had pink cheeks! More than likely a little wind burn versus sun burn at this time of year.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

typical wednesday evening Flips Gym! Rowan in red!

Monday, February 22, 2016

We have visitors...

It's funny because our fall and spring our full of family visits because no one wants to commit to travelling in the begins the spring visits with Grandma and Grandpa Bremberger!
Rowan and Grandma were playing makeup this morning!
The highlight of the weekend was for them to watch Eddie play we all attended clinic tonight. They were both impressed with his ice skills!
After clinic we headed out for dinner to Fiesta Cancun! Nothing like an alcoholic beverage on a Sunday night!
Then Monday, it was back to normal, sort of. Ed went to work, the kids to school, but Grandma and Grandpa waited for Eddie to get home from school to have lunch with him before heading home. We ordered some Chinese take out, and Eddie conned Grandma into playing Wii with him. She could not stop laughing because it was impossible for her to stay on the road in Mario Kart! Eddie showed her up big time.
Later in the afternoon, I gave Eddie a haircut! We have been taking him in every 4 weeks for a haircut, but our hair dresser is out on maternity leave, so I decided to give it a try. If we could save that 24$ a month for haircuts that'd be awesome. But...we will see how it goes.  

Saturday, February 20, 2016

pond skating is over

for this winter...
The warm winter and early spring has put an early end to our outdoor skating sessions. And it was a wet board removal...with almost a foot of water on top of the remaining foot of ice.
We got to meet Diesel, our neighbors 9 week old puppy when we went to check on the men on the ice...Rowan is in love. He is a sweet puppy!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

muscle man

Wedding prep for Aunt Amanda and Peter is well underway...Eddie's apparel and shoes have arrived this week, and he was less than thrilled to have to try it on for me. And to take pictures to send to Amanda was even worse. So why not try to have fun with a muscle picture. Such a stud.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

homework time

Caught Rowan doing her reading after school today...which actually happens every day, but it's the only time we really get to see her with her glasses on. She's way too cute.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Jump Rope for Heart

Rowan participated in the fundraiser for American Heart Association via Jump Rope for Heart this year. She did a great job raising money (thanks to her family)! She earned many prizes and donated to a great cause that is near and dear to our hearts.
They did the Jumping during gym class today, so Eddie and I joined them to cheer her on and get a few pictures. Eddie even got to try jump roping himself.

Monday, February 15, 2016

no school

Rowan was off school today, so she joined me for my daily exercise routine. She always has good intentions even if she doesn't last the entire 30 minutes.
Then we got out on the pond, probably for the last time of the year. It was in rough shape! The weirdly warm weather we have been having isn't working well with the outdoor skating. But we got out for Maddy's first time with her for awhile today.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

sunday funday

Always a good time when we get together with the Combs only request is next time we get a picture of Molly and I together. This morning we played at their house, decorated heart cookies for V-day, some boy play and gymnastics too. And last minute the kids and I created these V-day props. So fun!
Lots of sugar used to create these beautiful works of art.
Eddie, Dylan, Brooklyn and Rowan!
Our gymnasts...
And the boy play...always play safe with safety glasses.
Ed got home around lunch time from up north with the neighbor we scheduled a babysitter for the evening so we could get dinner together for Valentine's Day. And because Ed will be heading out of town tomorrow for work, so he will be gone for most of the week. We tried Pezzo Pizza in WBL (my first time). I thought it was great, good wine, good salad and good coal fired pizza.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Dad's away...

So, Ed left last night with the neighborhood guys for a weekend of ice fishing a few hours away...or that's what they said they were doing! Pretty sure Ed can count on two fingers the number of hours he actually fished...and on the rest the number of hours they spent at the bar! But fun was had by all, that is all that matters.
The kids and I attended the Player Appreciation party for White Bear Lake to have hotdogs, chips, pop, cupcakes and candy. We actually won a Target gift card in the raffle as well.
In the evening we headed over to the Autrey's house for pizza and a movie. The kids got to hangout and the Mommy's got a little break and some socialization as well.