Saturday, January 16, 2016

super saturday

Standard start to the weekend, breakfast and some entertainment...Rowan drawing with the assistance of Osmo!
Then we loaded up and headed to the mall...I wanted to stop in Sephora and Ed needed to activate a new to him phone at the AT&T store. So the kids got a treat on the way out for behaving! It was seriously cold, but Eddie had no problem with an Icee, Rowan chose a large lollipop.
Then we headed home where it was warm, and made some stew and geared up for the Packer playoff game! I was super excited because my Packer leggings finally arrived this week. Too bad I only got to wear them once...the Packers lost!
Family Packer picture...Ed was less than excited to get in the picture, so he must have thought if he covered his eyes no one would see him? Ugh, Men!

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