Saturday, January 2, 2016

Iowa to Illinois

This morning we got up, had breakfast and headed over to Grandpa Dick's to visit for a bit before heading to Illinois. Eddie seemed to eat a little bit (nothing good for him) and kept it in last night...still some backside issues, but nothing continuous. I feel guilty exposing him to people but he has been acting fine and we drove 6 hours to be here, I'm not keeping him locked up. Fingers crossed he keeps the germs to himself. We left Grandpa Dick's house about 10:30am so we could be in Moline at lunch time.
We met Nana and Papa at Applebee's for lunch! Then we headed to the hotel to check in, just in time for the Smith Christmas to start at 2pm! The kids had a blast. Lots of junk was exchanged, they swam, we ate lots, played cards, drank some beverages, mingled...etc. 
Got to see Great Grandma Jan!
The first round of swimming, Rowan was the only girl...poor thing. But she survived just fine. And Eddie loved being with all the boys. He couldn't wait to see Grady yesterday!
After eating and grab bag...the kid wanted to swim again, but the other kids were leaving so that left just Rowan, Sydney, Dylan and Eddie. They loved the pool to themselves!
So fun to see some of these kids together now versus the past...
Eddie and Griffin below 2012 vs 2015!
The Great Grandparents of Iowa and Illinois!
When the Christmas party ended, the kids and I went to bed and Ed headed to the casino with some of his family. He won a little money which is better than losing I guess! Another successful trip in the books...with a few road blocks that we overcame!

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