Friday, January 1, 2016

day 1 of 2016

Well, 2016 isn't starting out great for Eddie. He woke up with diarrhea this morning. No fever and has been acting fine other than occasional complaints of his stomach hurting. So we were in the car and on the road to Iowa by 9am. We had to make 3 stops for Eddie to use the bathroom...otherwise he was okay. When we got into Cedar Rapids, we stopped at Panera and grabbed some lunch to take to Grandpa Dick's to eat. Eddie had one bite of pasta barely swallowed and he threw up! He had drank a blue Gatorade in the car on the way too, so it was a lovely blue green color all over the essentially white carpet in the living room. Thankfully Grandpa Dick was in the dining room and didn't witness it. Ed proceeded to run Eddie into the bathroom where he puked more....and I got to clean up the living room. Ugh. So once we got him changed and happy, he laid on the dining room floor by everyone. Later in the visit he proceeded to shart on the bathroom floor and was super distraught about it. Thankful that I was able to use the washing machine to get the boy some clean clothes.
In between Eddie's sick shenanigans, we had some gifts for Grandpa Dick. We played some of his games, the marble game, flinch, etc.  
After we had the living room cleaned up and Grandpa Dick was up and moving, we brought him into the living room to visit and take some pictures!
 We hung out at with Grandpa Dick until about 4pm, then we headed to the hotel to check in and entertain the kids with some swimming and snacks. After swimming we had some pizza and Chinese take out for dinner. Then we headed up to our room where we played some cards and hung out. Nana got the kids these hats for Christmas, but they weren't delivered on time, so she brought them today for them. They love them. Nothing like winter hats and swimsuits.
Rowan thinks it is so cool that she can hold Hudson now...though I think he is getting a bit heavy for her.
Side rear window that shattered last Sunday was replaced on Tuesday and was covered by insurance, phew!

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