Sunday, January 31, 2016

hockey ready

This morning we got to FaceTime with Grandma Julie for her birthday, and Grandpa Kris too!
Can't forget clinic in the afternoon! Eddie has been rocking his stopping on the ice. The time on the pond it paying off for both kids! Learning a ton. Here they did a relay skating course...
And down here they did face offs and games...Eddie is always 'hockey ready'.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

errands and family time

 This morning we started our day running some errands! Costco and Total Hockey! Exciting stuff. Eddie got a new pair of leggings aka hockey socks in MN. And Rowan got to pick out her own stick. Two happy kiddos today!

Then we headed home and out on the pond to skate! Family fun on the ice today. Nice and balmy for it today!
Eddie's stick needed retaping today too, so Ed gave him a lesson on taping and waxing sticks.
After skating and lunch, it was time to relax. Ed took it to a new level, making Gizmo participate in naughty things! He shouldn't be on the couch...but I guess technically he is on Ed and the blanket.

Friday, January 29, 2016

on the mend

So, after my night of being up hourly with Rowan puking...finally about 10am, she thought she was done resting and laying around. But the mean mom that I am made her rest until lunch time, then shower before she could act a bit more normal.
Finally after dinner time, we knew she was good when she wanted to do some chocolate fondue. We really didn't think it was a good idea with her being sick less than 24 hours before, but she didn't indulge much...but the rest of us did.
Here she is enjoying her blizzard from last night...
And this is what we see whenever we eat ice cream. Gizmo clearly has an ice cream problem as bad as the rest of us.
Some of our chocolate masterpieces...peanut butter filled pretzels, almonds, strawberries, marshmallows, and bananas, YUM!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

long night for sick girl

The evening started out okay...Rowan mentioned her stomach hurting during dinner, but ate fine and requested ice cream afterwards. So we got blizzards, and she only took a couple bites before putting it in the freezer!
Then it wasn't but a half hour later and she threw up! So glad we were prepared with a bucket for her since her entire meal came up. And this was the start of our long night on the couch together. She proceeded to throw up almost hourly from 8:30-2:30am. Then we slept about 3 hours before she threw up again. At that point, I ran to the gas station to get some sprite before Ed left for work. Then she was good until about 8am when I tried to give her Tylenol for her mild fever. Thankfully the kids are off school today, so she isn't missing anything. But she finally kept some toast down and white soda and was good for the rest of the day. But after she ate she thought she could be up and playing...but I made her rest until noon, then told her she could have something for lunch and shower, and then maybe play!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

picture day

Tonight was picture night at gymnastics. So much for doing Rowan's hair for her picture! They did pictures almost at the end of class!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Mommy and Eddie ice time

Was a warmer morning, so we headed out on the ice. We got some snow the other day, so we had to do some shoveling before we could skate. We got about 1/3 of the rink done before Mr. Tom came out and finished up with his snowblower for us.
After skating, we met Jaci and Jess for lunch! Eddie got to have a lunch date with the ladies! Then it was home to get a few things done before dinner and skating lessons. Tonight, they evaluated all the kids, and Rowan moved from Pre-Alpha to Alpha! So now her class is after Eddie's class. They used to both have class from 6-6:30, but now Rowan will be from 6:30-7:15! She is very excited!
Rowan is in the penalty box with an instructor getting her graduating paperwork!

Monday, January 25, 2016

pouty pants Eddie's second name! If there was one thing I could eliminate it would be pouting and whining. Ugh it gets so old!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

late morning skate...and clinic

Was a slow morning after our late night of over indulgence last night...but we were out and on the pond late morning!
Love that they enjoy doing this together! Rowan and I with our matching skates!
Then it was clinic night too...Eddie is in the center of the picture, drill was to push other skater backwards with stick in middle. Amazing how far Eddie has come with skating and his love of hockey.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

busy fun day

Started out the brisk morning on the pond...Mom got to try out her new skates! Very fun but chilly.
Then we headed home to warm up and have some lunch before showering for a wedding at 4pm. Uncle Mitch and Gabby watched the kids for the first half of the night for us, and then Kayla came and watched them after her hockey game!
Jess and Brian's wedding was at 4pm, then we headed to the reception venue for cocktails and dinner.
Who would have thought it could take so many attempts to get a picture of Ed and I. Guess we should have taken a picture before we left the house.
Brian owns a DQ in Morris MN, so they had blizzards for their dessert! And these cute little wood pieces were on our plates when we arrived. That explains the late night sawing across the street!
The ladies from Prairie Trail...myself, Jaci, Crystal, Angie and Melissa!
We managed a few trips through the photo booth...Oops.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Pizza Luce

Tonight we got to try a new restaurant in Roseville, and also met Uncle Mitch's girlfriend Gabby! They met us there for some dinner! We tried three different pizzas, garlic toast, a salad, and artichoke dip too! Was all pretty delicious. We got there at a perfect time and only had to wait about 20 minutes for a table...the wait time more than doubled while we were waiting!
The kids had a slice of the day...and it was almost bigger than Eddie's head.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

workin' it

Rowan busy working her muscles at gymnastics to her leotard this week too! Love it!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

new skates

This last weekend, Rowan and I both got new skates! I needed to replace the ones I returned from Christmas from Nana and Papa, and Rowan had been complaining about her feet hurting, so she too tried on some skates. We are leasing this pair for now, will see how she likes them. She was pretty excited to get white figure skates!
Both kids ready for skating lessons!

Monday, January 18, 2016

no school = haircuts

Love when I can get a cute picture of these two! Thought haircuts was a perfect reason for a picture!