Saturday, October 3, 2015

soccer and Waldoch's

Today was picture day at soccer...sort of regretting this purchase, since I own a nicer camera than the lady that took the pictures! Ugh! Will see how they turn out. After they all smiled pretty, they did some drills. Eddie's coach doesn't think scrimmaging is appropriate for kids their age because they all run after the ball despite who's team they are on. My concern with that is....we get bored watching them play 'games', and I want Eddie to realize that soccer is more than drills, that you play a game on a team, against another team.
After soccer we headed home to do a few things, had lunch, checked out the model homes in the neighborhood because I am trying to get inspired to paint in the house! Then we headed to Lino Lakes to Waldoch Farm for the afternoon. There was a lot to do. We started with the hay ride to get pumpkins...then we checked out the animals, did the mini maze, played in the corn pit, shot corn on the cob out of an air gun, rode on bike carts, did an obstacle course and ate some kettle corn on our way home. Busy afternoon. Luckily the weather was pretty great.
Our kiddos!
 The ladies on the hay ride!
When we got home from this afternoon of fun, Dad made us some homemade pasta for dinner. Tomato basil to be exact, with mushroom sauce and green beans. Was delish.

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