Saturday, October 10, 2015

family time...

This morning, I did some painting at my dad's while Ed got the kids. We all hung out for a bit, then headed over to check out Great Grandma Audrey's new apartment. She moved in last weekend, so she is still unpacking and getting organized. We helped Uncle Tim and Jean a bit...visited for a bit, and then headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's for lunch.
After lunch, Petey arrived (he was working some overtime) and walked the kids down to the Chocolate Factory for a quick treat before we headed home.  
 Late afternoon we headed back to Nana and Papa's to pick up Gizmo and head home. Originally we were going to stay until Sunday, but we decided we would like to get home and enjoy the weather tomorrow. And the Packer game. So we headed home.
 This is how they looked very shortly into the trip.
I guess all their fun times with family this weekend wore them out.

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