Friday, February 20, 2015

better late than never...and skating party!

We received an unexpected package today in the mail...Ed received a pasta maker set from Nana and Papa for Christmas, but it has been out of stock since Thanksgiving. And today without any shipping info we received half of the pieces...maybe by his birthday he will be able to make pasta!
Tonight was our neighborhood skate party! In our neighborhood, many of the neighbors have gone in on creating a hockey rink on the pond behind the houses across from us. They built boards, put up lights, built a make shift Zamboni too. So tonight, we all got together and brought our own hot dogs and beverages and community snacks. Had a bon fire on the ice and did some skating. When it got later the men played some boot hockey, but by then the kids were sleeping and the ladies moved inside. This week has been bitterly cold, and today was in the 20's, so it was a much needed heat wave for the party. So fun.

Eddie tried out hockey skates that were loaned to us by TJ...he wasn't a big fan of them. And Rowan was cruising around like no body's business.

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