Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dells day...

Grandma Pam had to work a few hours this morning...then we headed out for an afternoon of fun.
We started downtown Dells, went to Goody Goody Gum Drop, I needed some candy for shower favors for my sister in laws shower in a couple weeks. And the kids just needed a sugar buzz apparently.
Then we were off to the Wisconsin Ducks. A fun land and water ride where I managed to be the only person on the entire ride to get a wet butt! Kids may have gotten a little bored but also had some fun. Good thing we got popcorn to entertain us a bit too.
Then it was off to Kalahari to meet Grandpa Bill and have some fun in the water. Kids loved it! The weather wasn't the sunniest or warmest, so we spent most of our time in the indoor waterpark, but the kids didn't care. Definitely need to do that again in the future.

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