Friday, August 1, 2014

6 year check up

I'm not sure where the last 6 years has gone, but my baby girl is heading to 1st grade this fall. She is so grown up already.
She was happy to hear from the doctor that she won't need shots again until she is 11. That made her breathe a little easier.
Weight: 44 pounds (44th percentile)
Height: 45 inches (44th percentile)
Rowan really is a pretty good eater, wears her bike helmet, is still in a high back booster seat, etc etc. So she is doing quite well. The only issue we discussed with the doctor is he need for Pull Ups when she sleeps. Apparently if their bodies haven't figured out how to wake them at night to pee by age 6, then it more than likely will require intervention. So we were given handouts on bed alarms. I think I am personally going to give her a little more time before I go that route. Perhaps we will try waking her in the middle of the night to use the bathroom first? Not sure I want to wake up to do that because chances are I will have issues going back to sleep. Time will tell.

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