Thursday, August 7, 2014

Closing was rough...thus the chasers.

Well, the kids swam this morning, we found the bank to get our check for closing, and met Dad for lunch before our 1pm closing. That should have been an hour max. Well, we set a personal record for a 2.5 hour closing. There was just little issues one after another. First they had to check on Ed's name to ensure it was written the same on all documents. Because despite the fact he has 2 middle initials, that doesn't always fit on documents, so some just have one. After that was resolved the builders representative found a charge that didn't seem right, so it took probably an hour to get that figured out and decide who was paying/owing that money. We had issues getting ahold of people at our lenders office so had to stalk and track people down that could get things moving. In the end, all was well, we didn't owe any more money (thankfully), we got the keys and we were on our way.
We headed to Home Depot and Costco to get some food and things we needed for the house. Then we went to the house to show the kids and drop everything off. They hadn't been inside the house yet. So we unloaded, chose bedrooms and then were off for dinner.

We went to Roseville Mall to Big Bowl for dinner. Very similar to Stir Crazy in WI. But we tried a family style meal with a Minnesota brew. Much needed after the stress of closing and entertaining the kids.
And the night wouldn't be complete without a Cherry Berry stop. Probably not a good thing to introduce the kids to right away. They have our genes, so they love ice cream.

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