Thursday, March 14, 2013

Eddie is 2!

Poor Eddie's birthday sort of got the shaft today. Luckily his party is on Saturday, then it will be all about him. 2 year update to come next week with doctor visit.
So this is how our day turned out.
We ended up with a short notice 2nd showing this morning at 1030a for noon. And of course, the kids and I were at home with no vehicle! My truck was in getting new tires put on. We were lucky enough to have my friend Jess and her daughter Sloane come save us and take us to McDonalds for lunch during the showing. We will forever be in debt to them for that. We were supposed to have them over to play during the day, but we cancelled because Rowan and Eddie both have colds and I didn't want them to get Sloane sick, but staying away didn't work today. Let's hope they didn't share their bugs with her.
This is how last minute the showing was for me. I couldn't get the dishwasher emptied, and we had made pancakes for breakfast, so I had to stash the dirty dishes in with the dirty laundry. Solid move on my part!
Rowan thought she should be a princess today. Nothing like a dress up day. The McDonalds toy tiara was a hit today!

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