Monday, March 18, 2013


This morning while Rowan was at school, Eddie had his 2 year well check up. All was well, although he wasn't really 100% well. Ear infection #2 for this boy. His last one was diagnosed at a well check up too. He has had a cold for about a week, so it doesn't surprise me. The doctor was willing to watch it, or we could treat it. I opted to treat it, why wait and have it rupture or just get worse. So 10 days of Amoxicillin here we come, hoping he tolerates it well (Rowan's 2nd round of Amoxicillin is when she showed her allergy) and doesn't break out like his sister did.
Eddie's 2 Year Stats:
Height: 36 inches (88th percentile)
Weight: 27.3 pounds (40th percentile)
Head: 19.4 in (66th percentile)
All was well otherwise. We talked about his lack of speaking. And the the doctor wasn't overly concerned. He said if we wanted to he could refer us to the birth to 3 program to have him evaluated or we could wait and if it doesn't improve in a few months then get the referral. I was completely ok waiting a few months. I have no doubt he will be talking in no time. So we will see.
Eddie is loving everything these days. He will play with anything and everything, but loves trains and Thomas the most I think. Loves to copy and do everything that Rowan is doing (including dress up and nail painting). He is obsessed with doing the steps himself (with a hand of course). He has been doing swim lessons for 2 sessions now with Mom of course. He is definitely having more 2 year old moments, throwing, hitting, tantrums (all usually directed at or a result of something his sister has done), he sort of understands sharing, he isn't a picky eater but definitely has texture issues, He sleeps all night long and actually sleeps later than Rowan these days. He takes a 1.5-3 hour nap every day. He is still in a crib, hasn't tried to crawl out and therefore we have no intention of changing that situation until that happens. He is wearing all 2T clothes, but it seems as though some 2T pants are getting a bit short. Size 6 shoes. He will say: Momma, sissy, gizzy, row row, daddy, nana, papa, no, boo-yah, and probably more, when prompted too. Really only says Momma without having to ask.
Back to our day...then we picked Rowan up from school, had lunch at home, and then it was off for Eddie's first dentist appointment! He did awesome. Great listener, did everything he was told, no crying or whining. They and I were so impressed with him for 2 years old. And actually Rowan has done aweseome for each and everyone one of her dental visits too every 6 months since 2 years old as well. Thankfully.
Rowan did a great job supervising. She helped him pick out his new toothbrush too.

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