Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

It was up and at 'em this morning. At least for Rowan. She was impatiently waiting for Eddie to wake up to look for eggs and baskets. She and I were up and showered before Eddie woke up. And we had our cinnamon rolls made already too. So being dressed before finding baskets was a first for us this year. They were pros at finding eggs and their baskets. Guess the bunny will have to get a bit trickier next year. They got lots of fun things in their baskets.
Then we were on our way to Lyndon Station to have easter lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Bremberger and family. We were hoping to see Ron and Elaine too since she hasn't been feeling very well. But she was too tired and didn't want anyone to see her. So we didn't get to accomplish that part of our visit. But we still had a good time with everyone else. We had another egg hunt, outside, then had prime rib for lunch, played a bunch and then were headed home before dinner. It was a quiet ride home. The kids slept most of the way.

Here is our egg hunt outside.
And a few group shots. Had to get the tricycle out at about the coldest time of the day. Oh well.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

easter bunny

Operation Easter Bunny was a success. No tears, no whining, nothing, just smiles! Yipee!

Friday, March 29, 2013

first bike ride

We went on our first bike ride (ok, really our second, but first documented) of the spring today. Warmish out, but still need mittens to keep our fingers warm. Eddie is loving the bike trailer. Rowan always wants to ride her bike, but about 1/4 of the ride in and she is whining that her 'legs are asleep already', not sure where she learned that. But she always makes it through (the short route).

housing update

Karen stopped by today to send us some updated pictures of the house. Doug is laid up because he had surgery on Wednesday on a torn tendon in his knee from falling on some ice the weekend before. Karen apparently walked all around the house and gave us some 360 degree pics. Greatly appreciate it! Moving right along.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

round 2 of eggs

Rowan enjoyed coloring eggs so much the first time, we had to do it again so that Daddy could enjoy it with us too. Only this time, Eddie managed to spill the entire cup of blue coloring on the newly washed floor. Luckily it all cleaned up nicely.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

more baskets...

Our Easter bunny might not have to make an appearance this year thanks to our parents!
Ed stayed at Nana and Papa's house on Monday night, and apparently their Easter bunny stashed some baskets in his car for the kids. So this morning they woke up to another Easter surprise.
Nana was busy making baskets again this year, super cute. Gizmo was a bit jealous, or maybe he could smell Tulah, because he was right in there sniffing each and everything they pulled from their baskets!

Monday, March 25, 2013

round 1

...of easter baskets and eggs.
Grandpa and Grandma Bremberger's Easter bunny made an appearance at our house tonight. And we colored some eggs with Grandma Pam tonight too. Busy night! Nothing like a fun sugar high! The kids were barely through their baskets and the candy was disappearing!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Rowan is quite the little swimmer these days. She has been doing really well in her Eel class. It was definitely nicer last session when there were just 2 girls, but the 2 boys are teaching Rowan and her little friend a little bit of patience and listening this session.

they're digging...finally!

Monday, March 18, 2013


This morning while Rowan was at school, Eddie had his 2 year well check up. All was well, although he wasn't really 100% well. Ear infection #2 for this boy. His last one was diagnosed at a well check up too. He has had a cold for about a week, so it doesn't surprise me. The doctor was willing to watch it, or we could treat it. I opted to treat it, why wait and have it rupture or just get worse. So 10 days of Amoxicillin here we come, hoping he tolerates it well (Rowan's 2nd round of Amoxicillin is when she showed her allergy) and doesn't break out like his sister did.
Eddie's 2 Year Stats:
Height: 36 inches (88th percentile)
Weight: 27.3 pounds (40th percentile)
Head: 19.4 in (66th percentile)
All was well otherwise. We talked about his lack of speaking. And the the doctor wasn't overly concerned. He said if we wanted to he could refer us to the birth to 3 program to have him evaluated or we could wait and if it doesn't improve in a few months then get the referral. I was completely ok waiting a few months. I have no doubt he will be talking in no time. So we will see.
Eddie is loving everything these days. He will play with anything and everything, but loves trains and Thomas the most I think. Loves to copy and do everything that Rowan is doing (including dress up and nail painting). He is obsessed with doing the steps himself (with a hand of course). He has been doing swim lessons for 2 sessions now with Mom of course. He is definitely having more 2 year old moments, throwing, hitting, tantrums (all usually directed at or a result of something his sister has done), he sort of understands sharing, he isn't a picky eater but definitely has texture issues, He sleeps all night long and actually sleeps later than Rowan these days. He takes a 1.5-3 hour nap every day. He is still in a crib, hasn't tried to crawl out and therefore we have no intention of changing that situation until that happens. He is wearing all 2T clothes, but it seems as though some 2T pants are getting a bit short. Size 6 shoes. He will say: Momma, sissy, gizzy, row row, daddy, nana, papa, no, boo-yah, and probably more, when prompted too. Really only says Momma without having to ask.
Back to our day...then we picked Rowan up from school, had lunch at home, and then it was off for Eddie's first dentist appointment! He did awesome. Great listener, did everything he was told, no crying or whining. They and I were so impressed with him for 2 years old. And actually Rowan has done aweseome for each and everyone one of her dental visits too every 6 months since 2 years old as well. Thankfully.
Rowan did a great job supervising. She helped him pick out his new toothbrush too.

Happy 8th Birthday Gizmo!

Hard to believe Gizmo has been in our family for 8 years already.
Can't imagine our lives without him!
An addition to Gizmo's special we headed to Nana and Papa's house for the night because I have a job interview tomorrow at 2pm in Milwaukee (Children's). Of course it was snowing, so Nana went out to do a little shovelling when the snow slowed, and the dogs went out with her. Well next we noticed, there was blood in the snow, lots of it. Turns out Gizmo tore/bent back his dew claw! We (Sue, Gail and I) held him down to put some powder on it to stop the bleeding and wrapped it up in an old sock and gauze. I proceeded to contact my cousin in law Aaron to see what I should do about it. Well, I ended up taking him to the vet in Pewaukee to have it looked at while Nana, Ed and the kids went out for dinner. They ended up sedating Gizmo and cutting back the dew claw. So some sedation, antibiotics, pain pills, exam etc later, and 200$, Gizmo and I were on our way home to eat our take out dinner. Here is Gizmo after he came too, he was a bit groggy all night, he couldn't even keep his tongue in his mouth.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Paddy's Day 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Eddie's Train Party

Operation 2 year old train party was a success!
This year the weather was a bit different than his party last year, so we were stuck inside. But the kids (and adults) tolerated it well.
We started by eating most of Eddie's favorites, hot dogs, chips and fruit!

We pulled out Eddie's geo trax trains as a center piece in the living room. Definite hit for the kids.
We played pin the steam stack on Thomas! Loved the eye covers! I think McKenna came out the winner! Not all the kids were interested in playing. Hard to pull them away from the Geo Trax!
Then we did an egg hunt in the basement. All the eggs were filled with puzzle pieces, stickers, tattoos and candy. 
Of course then there were gifts. Far too many. Eddie did well in the beginning, but lost interest near the end. Breyson and Sawyer were definitely into it though. Once Eddie opened his new bedding, he prolly would have gone to bed if there weren't a party taking place. But luckily his favorite was opened last, Mater!
After gifts it was time to sing and have cake!
Eddie had the candles blown out before we even started singing.
Eddie was into the cake this year, but wasn't as messy as I was expecting. Quite honestly, he must have been full because he was done after a few licks of the frosting.
Here are all of Eddie's friends that came to celebrate with him.
Tried to squeeze in a quick picture with Mom and Dad before all was said and done too.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

cake, singing and presents

Still can't believe my baby boy is 2 already. Such a perfect little boy. Although he is definitely showing his personality these days, or learning bad habits from his big sister.
Happy Birthday Eddie!
Rowan and I made Eddie a cake today. Not sure if he blew out the candles, or if the spit got the flame. Either way, success!
Wouldn't be a complete train birthday without Thomas paper and a few Thomas gifts.

Eddie is 2!

Poor Eddie's birthday sort of got the shaft today. Luckily his party is on Saturday, then it will be all about him. 2 year update to come next week with doctor visit.
So this is how our day turned out.
We ended up with a short notice 2nd showing this morning at 1030a for noon. And of course, the kids and I were at home with no vehicle! My truck was in getting new tires put on. We were lucky enough to have my friend Jess and her daughter Sloane come save us and take us to McDonalds for lunch during the showing. We will forever be in debt to them for that. We were supposed to have them over to play during the day, but we cancelled because Rowan and Eddie both have colds and I didn't want them to get Sloane sick, but staying away didn't work today. Let's hope they didn't share their bugs with her.
This is how last minute the showing was for me. I couldn't get the dishwasher emptied, and we had made pancakes for breakfast, so I had to stash the dirty dishes in with the dirty laundry. Solid move on my part!
Rowan thought she should be a princess today. Nothing like a dress up day. The McDonalds toy tiara was a hit today!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

party prep

Trying to get ready for Eddie's birthday party in addition to selling this house of ours!
Couple of cute train engineers we have here!