Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas with the Smiths!

Surprisingly our kids slept in until 730am! I guess going to bed late and not getting a nap will do that to you. Usually we are up and waiting for everyone else to wake up. But we were right in the mix of them all this time! We had some breakfast and coffee and then it was on to gifts and playtime.
We all got such wonderful gifts. The kids all did well sharing all their things with each other! Such fun. And this year, Grandpa Dick was here to spend the holiday with us. So nice to see him smile! I am sure he was ready to get back to his quiet home after dealing with 5 kids for a couple days!
This is seriously the most cooperative these kids have ever been for pictures! It just has gotten harder to get them all to look at the same person and smile at the same time. But we are making progress!
Here they all are after gifts and play time, ready for naps. Can you tell?

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