Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

...with the Knutson family!

Originally we were going to stay all day yesterday at Nana and Papa's and then go to Grandpa and Grandma Knutson's in the morning. But the kids both had the start of colds, and were lacking good sleep, so we decided to head home yesterday morning, get good naps in and a good night sleep and then head back in the morning. It was a good idea. Everyone slept great and was ready to go this morning.
We started out the morning by stopping at Great Grandma Simonson/Hanson's place. She had a little gift for the kids and was tickled for a little visit from us.
Then we were off to Grandpa and Grandma's house for breakfast and lots more gifts. The kids got santa hats full of gifts in addition to presents. They even wore the santa hats, briefly, but long enough. When all the presents were unwrapped, it was playtime.
My sad attempt at a picture with Santa hats!
LOVE this picture!

My cousin Dan, who recently moved to Florida for his job, was home for the holidays, so he stopped by to visit and play for a bit. Was nice to catch up with him.
We all had some lunch, played some more, then packed up to head home so that Santa could come.

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