Sunday, October 7, 2012

work work and more work

While I was busy working night shift all weekend, Ed was busy slaving away in the basement all weekend. Thankfully Amanda came up on Saturday to help watch the kids while I slept so that Ed could get as much done as possible. The biggest accomplishment was tiling the bathroom floor. And our special order doors arrived, so we had them delivered on Sunday so that Ed can get them installed this week sometime, hopefully.
In addition to all of the working, Saturday morning the realtor came over so we could sign contracts and have pictures taken of the house for the online listing. Sue referred us through First Weber, so the realtor came over on Thursday to do our cost analysis and tell us when he thought we should list our house at. We set up for time to come back Saturday morning to take pictures so that we can get the ball rolling on selling the house before the season is really bad. Also because I work 4 nights in a row, so there really isn't an ideal time when both of us are home. So the house should be listed with an MLS number early in the week.

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