Sunday, October 21, 2012


Days like today make me really sad that we will be moving eventually.
This morning McKenna and Kendall came over to play. The big girls painted a mini pumpkin, and played dress up and whatever else. The littles did a little playdough (except Kendall got cut off quickly as she thought it tasted better than it played) And when lunch time approached, we split up for eating, Packers and naptime.
Then when the Packer game and naptime was over, it was neighborhood playtime! We put the sandbox toys away last week, thought we were done with that for the season. Guess not. Rowan tantalized Chris with some ring around the rosie. He loved it. Balls and lawn mowers seem to be a staple for the neighborhood littles as well. They make a daily appearance it seems. Nobody was really about a group photo, so this is what you get.

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