Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pumpkin day...

Today we headed to Hortonville to Cuff Farms to get pumpkins, gourds and corn, take a hay ride, play in some corn, and eat some popcorn. The kids had lots of fun. We went on the hay ride first to pick out pumpkins. This year we decided to pick out the biggest ones we could find. You pay a flat rate for 1 pumpkin, 2 mini pumpkins, 2 gourds and 2 corn, per person. So why not go big? Rowan got to check out the back of the patch thanks to her pea sized bladder. The girl always has to pee at the most inconvenience times, therefore she has learned how to pop a squat pretty well. Ugh. It drives me crazy. Anyway, after we put our goods in the car, we played on the hay bails, and in the corn, had some popcorn, and then were on our way home for lunch and nap.
After nap we started with painting a few small pumpkins. Rowan got her small pumpkin from her field trip to the Little Farmer last week with preschool. And Eddie's little pumpkin jumped into our loot. We paid for him not realizing we didn't have to, so we thought we deserved an extra pumpkin for him to be able to carry.
Then after dinner we moved onto carving. We went with standard funny faced pumpkins this year. Much less time consuming than the intricate designs that come with the carving tools. Eddie wasn't too into the gooey pumpkin insides. Rowan was for a bit, but then they moved onto playdough while Ed and I carved. Ed did his and Rowan's, I did Eddie's and mine. 

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