Thursday, April 19, 2012

kipper #3

Rowan continues with swimming on Thursday nights. This is her third session as a 'kipper'. The last session was sort of a wash, or at least half of it. She had a poor teacher, that many of us parents complained about. She didn't keep control of her class (not that they were misbehaving, but she would let them talk and talk), it was like slow motion between tasks as well. It would be 10 minutes into the class before they would even practice a skill, it was a waste of time and money. So a few sessions into the class, another teacher took over the class while the current teacher assisted.

Now this session, the teacher that took over is the only teacher. Once that teacher took over the class, Rowan really excelled. But she definitely still have some learning to do. The comment that the teacher had on her last report card was that she won't always allow the teacher to help her, and that she says "I can do it myself" frequently. So we have talked about that alot with Rowan and the first thing she said after tonights class was, "Mom, I let the teacher help me!" She was very proud.

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