Saturday, April 14, 2012

Busy day for a 13 month old...

Today Eddie is 13 months old, already. This last month alone has flown by. We think he will be walking any day now? He is definitely closer, but seems to prefer crawling for sure. Today he was more into the sand in the sandbox. He ended up with a head full of hair once he learned how to throw it.
Our morning started off busy. We woke up, had breakfast and were out the door to head to Nashotah. We were on our way for Ed to disassemble Nana and Papa's pool table and foosball table and transport it back to our home. Papa helped Ed with that while Nana and the kids and I stopped at Marshalls, got some lunch, and then loaded up to head back home. It took Dennis' (Nana and Papa's neighbor) truck, Nana's SUV and our SUV to get it all back home. So Ed drove Dennis' truck, Papa drove Nana's SUV and Nana rode with the kids and I. After all the stuff was moved into the basement, Nana and Papa relaxed a bit before heading back home. They wanted to get back at a reasonable time to have some free time for themselves. They were glad to get rid of the items, and we were glad to have something to put in our new basement.
The weather was awesome, so we played in the sandbox a bit before Nana and Papa left, then it was time for a late nap. Better late than never.
Here is the basement one day after carpet is installed. And we already have plenty down there. Minus somewhere to sit and a TV.

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