Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

We had quite a laid back Easter today, which was sort of nice. Usually we are travelling somewhere or doing something. But today we started out with an Easter egg hunt and baskets. Then some breakfast. Then attempted some pictures of the kids in their dress up Easter attire, which was rather unsuccessful. Then we colored some eggs. Relaxed a bit. And ate way too much chocolate!

Rowan found all the eggs by herself. Although dad seemed to chime in a bit.

Eddie was more into eating the egg, shell in all, than coloring. No major messes, yahoo!

Our attempt at some pictures. Impossible to keep Eddie in one place. Will be even worse when he is actually walking. He will walk holding just one hand. But the minute you let go, he immediately sits down. But he walks around the house pushing things constantly! He will be off on his own soon I think.

Silly cone heads. Isn't that what this ginormous eggs are for?

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