Saturday, April 28, 2012

Nephew #3

Madden Everett Smith
April 28, 2012 @ 1121 pm
7 pounds 2 oz and 20.75 inches
Such a cutie, just like his 2 big brothers. Can't wait to hog him!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

more sand

The sandbox hasn't gotten old! The kids are super excited to play in it every day! Mom likes it more when the sand is dry. A lot easier to clean off! Although not good for the sand castles!

1st haircut

I finally decided to attempt to cut Eddie's hair today. It was getting quite mullet like, and I finally decided that there was no reason to let it grow being he is a boy and all, and mullets really aren't in style! So while Eddie and Rowan were playing in the sandbox today I started cutting (easy clean up, and he was sitting still for the most part). I finished the process in the high chair at lunch time. It isn't perfect, news alert, I'm not trained in cutting hair, but it will do for now! I think it looks pretty good!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

1ST steps

Eddie took several steps all by himself tonight. But his real new interest is walking on his knees moreso than on his feet. Soon enough we will have a walking boy! Of course once we got the video camera out, he wasn't interested in showing off anymore.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

kipper #3

Rowan continues with swimming on Thursday nights. This is her third session as a 'kipper'. The last session was sort of a wash, or at least half of it. She had a poor teacher, that many of us parents complained about. She didn't keep control of her class (not that they were misbehaving, but she would let them talk and talk), it was like slow motion between tasks as well. It would be 10 minutes into the class before they would even practice a skill, it was a waste of time and money. So a few sessions into the class, another teacher took over the class while the current teacher assisted.

Now this session, the teacher that took over is the only teacher. Once that teacher took over the class, Rowan really excelled. But she definitely still have some learning to do. The comment that the teacher had on her last report card was that she won't always allow the teacher to help her, and that she says "I can do it myself" frequently. So we have talked about that alot with Rowan and the first thing she said after tonights class was, "Mom, I let the teacher help me!" She was very proud.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

the great outdoors

Another cool day outside. The sun has been very deceiving lately. It looks warmer out than it is. And in the evening it cools down quickly! But we still try to squeeze in as much sand and swing time as possible.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Busy day for a 13 month old...

Today Eddie is 13 months old, already. This last month alone has flown by. We think he will be walking any day now? He is definitely closer, but seems to prefer crawling for sure. Today he was more into the sand in the sandbox. He ended up with a head full of hair once he learned how to throw it.
Our morning started off busy. We woke up, had breakfast and were out the door to head to Nashotah. We were on our way for Ed to disassemble Nana and Papa's pool table and foosball table and transport it back to our home. Papa helped Ed with that while Nana and the kids and I stopped at Marshalls, got some lunch, and then loaded up to head back home. It took Dennis' (Nana and Papa's neighbor) truck, Nana's SUV and our SUV to get it all back home. So Ed drove Dennis' truck, Papa drove Nana's SUV and Nana rode with the kids and I. After all the stuff was moved into the basement, Nana and Papa relaxed a bit before heading back home. They wanted to get back at a reasonable time to have some free time for themselves. They were glad to get rid of the items, and we were glad to have something to put in our new basement.
The weather was awesome, so we played in the sandbox a bit before Nana and Papa left, then it was time for a late nap. Better late than never.
Here is the basement one day after carpet is installed. And we already have plenty down there. Minus somewhere to sit and a TV.

Friday, April 13, 2012


It is finally done! Minus a few little touch up things, like some paint touch up and filling nail holes in molding! But that is rather minor! Kids love it already. They don't even care that it is empty.


It has been very windy the last few days, and not so warm. So we haven't gotten outside a ton. So when we saw a small window of opportunity today, we took it. They carpet is being installed today, so we decided to visit the sandbox, from the outside for the most part. Too cold to take off our shoes and socks today!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

We had quite a laid back Easter today, which was sort of nice. Usually we are travelling somewhere or doing something. But today we started out with an Easter egg hunt and baskets. Then some breakfast. Then attempted some pictures of the kids in their dress up Easter attire, which was rather unsuccessful. Then we colored some eggs. Relaxed a bit. And ate way too much chocolate!

Rowan found all the eggs by herself. Although dad seemed to chime in a bit.

Eddie was more into eating the egg, shell in all, than coloring. No major messes, yahoo!

Our attempt at some pictures. Impossible to keep Eddie in one place. Will be even worse when he is actually walking. He will walk holding just one hand. But the minute you let go, he immediately sits down. But he walks around the house pushing things constantly! He will be off on his own soon I think.

Silly cone heads. Isn't that what this ginormous eggs are for?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

the new sandbox

The new sandbox is a hit! I think it will be even better when it is a bit warmer and the sand dries out a bit. We got all the sand for free from one of Ed's work friends, which is much appreciated! Eddie didn't move around at all in the sand, but he enjoyed his corner for a bit, until he crawled out of the sandbox!

Friday, April 6, 2012

good friday

Busy day around here today. After Eddie's morning nap, we headed to Sam's Club and Home Depot. Then home for a few projects. Ed built the kids a sandbox. And he remodeled the swingset a bit. We bought a new slide for it, so that got moved to the other side in order to make room for the sandbox. And he also put a new top on the swinging part of the set. We wanted to extend the one end because that swing would be very close to the side if off course. And apparently that piece of wood was in rough shape in the end, so we are glad we changed it out. Guess I didn't get an after picture of that.
By the time we were done with all those fun projects, dinner was a bit late, so we ordered pizza with the neighbors and the kids played inside. Which in turn turned into community bath time! Then it was off to bed!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


This is what has been taking up our garage for the last several days! Yesterday I stained it, today I polyurethaned the first coat, and Ed did the second coat tonight. Tomorrow it will be ready for installation! One of the things to do amongst our extensive list for this holiday weekend. Stay tuned to see what actually gets done, weather permitting!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Easter Bunny

Today after a quick nap this morning, Grandma Pam and I took the kids to the Fox River Mall to visit the Easter bunny and have lunch. We did stop in a few stores, but we were ultimately there to see the bunny!
Well, let's just say I am glad I brought my own camera and didn't waste any money on pictures. Rowan wouldn't get any closer than she is in the picture and wouldn't communicate with anyone. And Eddie, well clearly he cried. Therefore there was no happy smiling picture of the kids with the Easter bunny this year. But that is what makes the fun memories, right?

Eddie was quite content in the stroller though, pacifier in place!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

bunny bremberger

Ironic, Grandma Pam showed up yesterday to spend a few babysitting days with us, and a few baskets appeared as well. That silly bunny hid them behind the recliner. Grandma said she saw the bunny in our yard! Not sure how he got from Nana's yard to our yard. He is busy and fast! Lots of fun things for the kiddos.