Sunday, January 22, 2012

weekend home

We had a pretty uneventful weekend here. Very laid back. Ed had to work Saturday morning, and Amanda came up to visit. So the kids, Amanda and I did a little errand running. And then when the kids napped, Amanda and I ran to the outlet mall. We weren't successful for ourselves, but I managed to buy stuff for the kids and Ed. Something is wrong with that picture. Story of my life. I was in the market for snow pants for the kids for next year. And I was successful!

On Monday, Ed and I started the Atkins diet, so we enlisted Amanda to help Rowan eat up the ice cream in the house. The diet was Ed's idea, and I am tagging along. So far so good. I only cheated on the 2nd day with two bites of a brownie. Threw those away the next day! Will update with diet progress after our 2 week induction is done!
It is quite common for Rowan to ask us or others to do something with her, and she loses interest within a few minutes and leaves to do something else. Thus Amanda coloring by herself above. Was Rowan's idea, but not even 5 minutes later she was off playing something else! Oh well.

Busted! Eddie is already roped into playing with girl toys! Barbie in the tub! Although he was only interested in biting her head! He made it more boy!
In addition to Amanda getting me out for some shopping, she delivered our new stroller! And some more hand me down clothing for Eddie (from the Schuetts). So exciting! Amanda was my personal shopper a few weeks ago and hit up USA baby's closing sale and got me a front/back double stroller by Graco. And Eddie's closet is now full of clothing that fits (18 months already, although a lot is a bit big still, but at least not too small)

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