Tuesday, January 10, 2012

3 1/2 years old

When people have asked how old Rowan was, for months I have been saying 3 1/2, but she now truly really is 3 1/2 years old. I can't believe it! What happened to my baby girl with big bows on her head and no hair?

What is she doing now?
-goes to 3K preschool at the YMCA on Tuesdays and Thursdays (loves it!)
-takes swimming lessons at the YMCA (just graduated from Shrimp class)
-is potty trained while awake, pull ups when sleeping
-talks up a storm
-likes puzzles, matching games, go fish, old lady aka old maid, train table, doll house, bossing around Eddie and Gizmo, swimming, coloring, the iphone, leappad, etc etc. this list could go on forever
-she pushes her limits with everything she does (bedtime especially)
-she talks like she is 13 sometimes, not looking forward the the actual 13!

Today the weather was a balmy 40+ degrees outside, so we were able to pick up poop, swing on the swings, and ride our scooter. And in 2 days there will be measurable snowfall again! Ah, winter in Wisconsin!

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