Wednesday, January 25, 2012

45 weeks and 2 days old

aka almost 10 1/2 months old! Yikes. Gotta get party planning!
Tried a new location for pictures today. Worked a bit better. But my flapper just won't sit still. Rowan was a good entertainer today which is why she isn't in the pictures today!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

ugh, it's no use...

...trying to take pictures of mobile children!

I couldn't even get Eddie to look at the camera, and when he was looking, he was on the move. Oh well.
And Rowan wasn't much help either.
But Rowan decided she would cooperate for 5 seconds. And I got a cute one!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

weekend home

We had a pretty uneventful weekend here. Very laid back. Ed had to work Saturday morning, and Amanda came up to visit. So the kids, Amanda and I did a little errand running. And then when the kids napped, Amanda and I ran to the outlet mall. We weren't successful for ourselves, but I managed to buy stuff for the kids and Ed. Something is wrong with that picture. Story of my life. I was in the market for snow pants for the kids for next year. And I was successful!

On Monday, Ed and I started the Atkins diet, so we enlisted Amanda to help Rowan eat up the ice cream in the house. The diet was Ed's idea, and I am tagging along. So far so good. I only cheated on the 2nd day with two bites of a brownie. Threw those away the next day! Will update with diet progress after our 2 week induction is done!
It is quite common for Rowan to ask us or others to do something with her, and she loses interest within a few minutes and leaves to do something else. Thus Amanda coloring by herself above. Was Rowan's idea, but not even 5 minutes later she was off playing something else! Oh well.

Busted! Eddie is already roped into playing with girl toys! Barbie in the tub! Although he was only interested in biting her head! He made it more boy!
In addition to Amanda getting me out for some shopping, she delivered our new stroller! And some more hand me down clothing for Eddie (from the Schuetts). So exciting! Amanda was my personal shopper a few weeks ago and hit up USA baby's closing sale and got me a front/back double stroller by Graco. And Eddie's closet is now full of clothing that fits (18 months already, although a lot is a bit big still, but at least not too small)

Monday, January 16, 2012

1st time in snow

for Lil Eddie! He didn't think it was too bad. Although he would have liked it better if he could have gotten around. And the face wash his sister accidentally gave him didn't go over so well either. She was holding on a little too tight when they tipped out of the sled and Eddie got a face wash! Rowan would have liked to stay outside forever, but Eddie isn't quite ready for that.
Rowan was showing Eddie how to eat snow too! Silly girl!
The two of them together. Fun times!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

messy boy

Somebody loves to eat! Wish he could teach his sister how to sit and eat! Another tooth came through this week too! Makes 7 teeth now!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

pulling up...

Caught the little boy pulling himself up on a bin of toys! He is starting to get a bit more daring, but still not ready to use his knees to their full potential. Eddie still has a mad army crawl working. And it gets the job done. He can get from crawling to sitting if he wants to now, and pulls himself up on his own at times. He is growing up way too fast!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

the Kipper...

This session we had to switch to Tuesday nights in order to get into a night class. So Rowan now swims from 545-615pm. She has moved on to the Kipper class. She is the youngest one in the class. The others are all 4 already. She did pretty well. There was just one thing that was new for her.

3 1/2 years old

When people have asked how old Rowan was, for months I have been saying 3 1/2, but she now truly really is 3 1/2 years old. I can't believe it! What happened to my baby girl with big bows on her head and no hair?

What is she doing now?
-goes to 3K preschool at the YMCA on Tuesdays and Thursdays (loves it!)
-takes swimming lessons at the YMCA (just graduated from Shrimp class)
-is potty trained while awake, pull ups when sleeping
-talks up a storm
-likes puzzles, matching games, go fish, old lady aka old maid, train table, doll house, bossing around Eddie and Gizmo, swimming, coloring, the iphone, leappad, etc etc. this list could go on forever
-she pushes her limits with everything she does (bedtime especially)
-she talks like she is 13 sometimes, not looking forward the the actual 13!

Today the weather was a balmy 40+ degrees outside, so we were able to pick up poop, swing on the swings, and ride our scooter. And in 2 days there will be measurable snowfall again! Ah, winter in Wisconsin!

Monday, January 9, 2012

43 Weeks Old

Thursday, January 5, 2012

my new toy..

Grandma Pam came tonight to watch the kids tomorrow while we are both at work. And she brought my birthday present! A new LENS for my camera! Yahoooooo..... So Eddie became my guinea pig while in the tub. I got a new 28mm/1.8 by Canon! So excited!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

30, yikes!

Yes, today I turned the big 3-0! I remember when this day seemed so far away. When I was younger I used to say that I wanted to be done having kids by the time I was 30. Perhaps it's a sign (in my husbands opinion). I am blessed with a wonderful husband and best friend and two beautiful children. There is still a part of me that might not feel complete in the children area, we will see.

When I arrived home from work the other morning, I came home to a newly decorated kitchen and living room thanks to my husband and mother in law! It is awesome! New pictures, pillows, curtain rods, curtains, decor, ottoman, etc. I tried to capture pictures of most of the newness. The curtains are out at my personal seamstress aka Nana's house being lengthened! I love love love it all!
P.S. Today didn't start out the best, I struggled with a major migraine while home with both kids. Hoping this isn't a sign of what life is gonna be like after 30 years. I need to get these migraines evaluated, they have been getting worse and worse. And the medicine no longer works for very long. Luckily I was feeling better by 2pm. Napped with the kids and then we got ready to head out for dinner as a familly.
We headed to Bennigan's in Appleton. It was a nice little dinner, minus the part where Eddie choked on a piece of something and puked all over himself! Nothing like a full clothing change and wipe bath in the middle of dinner. But we all survived!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Go Badgers...

The kiddos in their Badger gear ready for the Rose Bowl!


Ed made the mistake of doing a few things outside today. Supposed to be quick things because it was so cold out. But because we had a small amount of snow, and Ed was out, Rowan needed to be out too. So after Ed finished taking down the christmas lights, he pulled Rowan around in her new sled for a few minutes. She loved it, but it was too cold to be playing out for long. So they were in before I knew it.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Can you see 6 teeth?

Or a rash on his belly and back? Perhaps a little virus contributing to the occassional crabbiness? Who knows. But we do for sure have 6 teeth through the gums. Hard to photograph those things though! This little boy loves the tub, but now hates to get out. Makes for fun times getting jammies on, NOT!

Happy New Year!