Sunday, December 30, 2012

Smith Xmas in Moline

Originally we weren't going to be able to make the trip to Moline because I had to work. But it turned out there was another nurse that would benefit from trading with me, so it all worked out in the end. Although the trip down was less than desirable. We ended up getting snow through the night thursday and during the day friday, so by the time we left at 430p friday night, the roads in WI weren't good. So it took us an extra hour to get there. Turning our 4 hour trip into 5! But we made it. We arrived at the hotel, visited for a very short while and then it was off to bed.

Saturday, the gathering didn't start until 11am, so we were able to swim in the morning. Ed's cousin Chad was there with his 4 girls, so Rowan loved being able to hang out with girls. She is used to her brother and all boy cousins!
After swimming we got showered and dressed and headed to the John Deere museum in Moline with Blayne, Molly and the boys! Eddie and Rowan both loved it. Ed was pretty into it too, and he didn't really want to go in the beginning.
Of course when we returned to the hotel after the museum, more family had arrived, and more people were swimming, so it was back to the swim suits for the kids. After this round of swimming, it was lunch and nap time.
Surprisingly, both kids did take a nap. Which was very helpful. After nap, it was dinner and grab bag gifts. You wouldn't imagine all the cheap toys that these kids brought home. We had a bag full of stuff. Very fun for them. One of the biggest hits was some kid nailpolish, so there was a little salon going on in the hallway. Lead by Teagan (he is one of 4 boys, apparently he got the girl genes of some sort) He was even good at it.
Of course, a picture of the 4 Ed's! Eddie wasn't so into it, and the lighting wasn't great. So I liked the black and white look this time around!
These three kids were all born within 11 days of each other. Teagan was born March 4th, Eddie the 14th and Lyla the 15th. Wasn't easy to get three almost 2 year olds to stand still together. Could have been worse!
Sunday morning we had breakfast and then headed home. Thankfully the weather was good so there wasn't any delay in our travels home. It was a busy and chaotic, but fun weekend to get to see all the Smith clan!
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

Christmas Eve 2012

Santa was hungry this year! Ate all his cookies and drank his milk.
Apparently we were all good.

Rowan was so thrilled that Santa got her the Stompeez that she wanted. And Eddie got a big truck from Santa too.
Here we are on our relaxing Christmas Day at home! We didn't get out of our pajamas all day! Well, until I had to shower to go to work. And I ended up getting low censused and didn't even have to work! I must have been a really good girl!
Hope everyone had as good of a holiday as we did! Merry Christmas to all!

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Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

...with the Knutson family!

Originally we were going to stay all day yesterday at Nana and Papa's and then go to Grandpa and Grandma Knutson's in the morning. But the kids both had the start of colds, and were lacking good sleep, so we decided to head home yesterday morning, get good naps in and a good night sleep and then head back in the morning. It was a good idea. Everyone slept great and was ready to go this morning.
We started out the morning by stopping at Great Grandma Simonson/Hanson's place. She had a little gift for the kids and was tickled for a little visit from us.
Then we were off to Grandpa and Grandma's house for breakfast and lots more gifts. The kids got santa hats full of gifts in addition to presents. They even wore the santa hats, briefly, but long enough. When all the presents were unwrapped, it was playtime.
My sad attempt at a picture with Santa hats!
LOVE this picture!

My cousin Dan, who recently moved to Florida for his job, was home for the holidays, so he stopped by to visit and play for a bit. Was nice to catch up with him.
We all had some lunch, played some more, then packed up to head home so that Santa could come.

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Smith Family 2012

All of us with Grandpa Dick...
Our attempt to include the dogs! Probably the first time ever that we have all been together with all of our dogs as well. They are all in the picture, doesn't mean they are all looking. But not a bad attempt!


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Christmas with the Smiths!

Surprisingly our kids slept in until 730am! I guess going to bed late and not getting a nap will do that to you. Usually we are up and waiting for everyone else to wake up. But we were right in the mix of them all this time! We had some breakfast and coffee and then it was on to gifts and playtime.
We all got such wonderful gifts. The kids all did well sharing all their things with each other! Such fun. And this year, Grandpa Dick was here to spend the holiday with us. So nice to see him smile! I am sure he was ready to get back to his quiet home after dealing with 5 kids for a couple days!
This is seriously the most cooperative these kids have ever been for pictures! It just has gotten harder to get them all to look at the same person and smile at the same time. But we are making progress!
Here they all are after gifts and play time, ready for naps. Can you tell?

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Friday, December 21, 2012

family on friday

We arrived at Nana and Papa's house this afternoon to celebrate Christmas with everyone tomorrow. Uncle Dusty was already there, Aunt Julie would be in that night, and Blayne, Molly and the boys arrived a few hours later. The kids all helped put bows on presents. Then it was community bath time in Nana and Papa's whirlpool tub. It's not a bath without a popple! Then Aunt Molly talked Nana into letting the kids open one present before bed. They had so much fun with that. But of course they didn't really want to stop after just one present, but they did!
Once the popsicles were done, Eddie and Madden were out. Eddie doesn't like when they turn the jets on and the bubbles grow.
Generally the kids need to be asked to sit together like this, so when they do it almost on their own, we have to take advantage and get a picture of them all.

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more family!!!

On our way to Nashotah today, we stopped in Pewaukee to visit with some more family! Jake, Casey and Quinn are home for the holidays, so we stopped by the Swan residence to see them for a couple hours. We were able to catch up with Aunt Cheryl, Taylor, Colin and Jordyn too while we were there. I'm glad we got to see them since we missed the Hanson Christmas this year. Just too many celebrations to be able to make them all.
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Thursday, December 20, 2012

more shovelling

It was back outside today for another snow clean up. We ended up with a foot of snow when all was said and done. Ed luckily made it home last night from work and stayed home today as travel wasn't good. So we had a family clean up, but it was very windy outside, so it wasn't long that we were out once the snow was cleaned up. 

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Grandpa Bill and Grandma Pam

Look at all these presents...

This morning, we got to celebrate the season with Grandpa Bill and Grandma Pam. Not so sure where we are going to store all of these new things. Definitely time to donate some old toys. The kids wanted to open whatever they opened right away, but then they wanted to open another present. So indecisive.
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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Blodgett Xmas Continued...

All of Us.
Grandpa Bill, Grandma Pam, Rowan and Eddie
4 Generations...

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