Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's a beautiful day!

We were outside this morning enjoying the sun with no humidity! We even have our doors and windows open again! It is so great to air out the house!

McKenna was home with her mommy today, so us ladies (and Eddie too) got to enjoy a few hours outside! It was great. The girls did some swinging, and sliding. And then played for awhile with their dolls too! And of course they had some snacks. The usual around these parts are cheese sticks, fruit (grapes today), and popsicles! A well rounded lunch it turned out to be!
Excuse the food in the mouth in these pictures. But if I didn't catch the moment quick it would have been over and missed!

P.S. I haven't posted on the same day as taking a picure in years! I am proud of myself!

1 comment:

Cora said...

Heck, these days I'm thrilled if I post in the same month! As you can see, I'm behind again. Oye. My hope is that once school starts again and I actually get some alone time, I will get back up to speed! We're loving this weather too!