Monday, August 15, 2011

5 Months aka 22 weeks

It feels like yesterday I was saying Eddie was 4 months old, and another month has flown by already. Technically he was 5 months old yesterday, but I worked until 730pm last night and didn't have time to get his picture, so today will do!

It seems like so much has changed in the last month too. Although, really not much has. He has really taken to the rice and oatmeal eating, as long as a veggie is involved. He has had a week or sweet potatos and we have moved on to carrots now. So far so good with the two of them.

Eddie doesn't roll over in public! But we put him to sleep on his tummy, and when we get him up, he is on his back smiling away. So he only rolls over in private apparently. I am sure that will change soon though. He is quite the giggle monster. He loves it when we sing the ABC's to him. I have started calling him Eddie spaghetti, and Rowan has caught on to it too! So when you ask her what his name is, she says, "eddie sketti"!

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