Sunday, August 28, 2011

Grand Rounds

So, the original plan for this weekend started with attending my cousins graduation and confirmation parties on Sunday in Waukesha. But then things just kept getting added on, which resulted in a full weekend in the Delafield/Pewaukee area!

Then next thing that we added being that we were going to be in town on Sunday, was a meeting with the Pastor at Galilee Lutheran Church (as preparation for Eddie's baptism in October). And then that required us to attend church Sunday morning as well. Then Papa invited Ed to golf in an outing on Saturday, so we decided to go down on Saturday and spend the night in order to make it for all of our plans on Sunday.

So we left home around 10am on Saturday (when Ed got home from work). Stopped at Nana and Papa's house to drop off Gizmo and Ed for golf. Then the kids and I headed to Grandma and Grandpa K's house for a visit. We spent the afternoon there mostly outside. Rowan got half in the pool before deciding it was too cold. Drew with chalk, and was taught hop scotch by Grandma and Amanda, oh and can't forget the bubbles too! Rowan watched a movie on and off with Aunt Amanda (hoping she would nap, but that didn't happen) Eddie just hung out with us, took a nap and was his good little self like usual.

After all of that fun, we headed back to Nana and Papa's for dinner. Ordered some pizza and hung out. It was early to bed since Rowan didn't nap and we were needing to be at church at 9am.

Church went well. I was a little nervous with 2 kids there and it was really their first time ever. And they both did well. Eddie occassionally screamed out (just his talking scream, not mad) but it was fine. And Rowan sat relatively still. Read some books, had a sucker or two, a few trips to the bathroom and water fountain and before you knew it, the service was over. And luckily we only had to meet with Pastor Elias for about 15 minutes. There was another family meeting with him too, and they had a 3 year old and a baby as well. Needless to say, he could barely hear himself talk. But we accomplished what was needed and then we were off.

We made a few stops at a few stores.
A brief visit by Karen and Doug.
And then it was off to the Graduation/Confirmation Party. We stayed for a few hours, visited with some family, shared our kids (a lot of these people we only see a couple times a year) had some lunch, watched some planes fly overhead (it was the Waukesha Air Show today too) and then we were on our way home!
It was a busy weekend with great weather and great company.

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