Saturday, April 30, 2011

OshKosh Corp Family Day

Ed's employer had an Open House today for families of employees, so we ventured out in the wind and cold for some time out of the house. It was a bit brisk, but I think we all enjoyed it. There was food, plant tours, face painting, inflatables, and truck shows, and door prizes. And some illegal picture taking? Oops. We failed to read the handout given to us when we arrived that said, "No picture taking". So when a friend of Ed's alerted us while taking Rowan and my picture in a truck, we put the camera in a safe place!
Luckily they were offering picture taking in front of a few of the OshKosh trucks, so we had our very first family picture taken by them!
We enjoyed lunch, and a truck show, and a brief 'Ed guided' tour of South Plant (where Ed works and has his office) before heading home. It was a bit chilly out. Eddie slept through most of the trip, and Rowan was quite the trooper too. She started to get a bit bored during the truck show, but she enjoyed it for a bit! We were on our way home just after 2pm. That evening Ed received a text message from a guy from work saying that we won something! They did the door prize drawings at 3pm so we weren't present, but you didn't have to be to win. Here is what we won...a camera, camera case, tripod, and a 4gb memory card! My point and shoot camera was getting a bit old (not that I use it ever anymore) and scratched up because we would let Rowan play with it, so this was a nice free-bee! We will see how it works!

Friday, April 29, 2011

getting there?

The weather today felt like maybe it could be spring in Wisconsin. But of course it is never here to stay, especially in April! But we did venture out in the wind and sun to play a bit outside. Hoping the days that we are able to be outside increase quickly here soon!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The ladies...

We had visitors today! Crystal and Kenadee drove up to visit us for the afternoon. Rowan got to share her toys with another little girl today. Although she was a bit more interested in Eddie's sized toys for good reason. Kenadee was a bit of a momma's girl for most of her visit, but she warmed up a bit before they had to leave. It's so nice to catch up right where we left off from our last visit, which was way too long ago due to both of our schedules, and the drive of course too!

Monday, April 25, 2011

some sun to play in

Hard to believe we were able to play outside twice today! The weather cooperated longer than we had anticipated! Still a bit chilly for Baby Edy, but he joined us all bundled up and in the Baby Bjourn!
We were a bit polka dot happy with our outfit today! Thankfully I don't let her pick out my clothes!
Hoping Aunt Casey can help us with our hair mess when she is home this month!
Eddie is being supervised by Mommy #2 during tummy time! She plays with his toys more now than she did when she was a baby! Not really, but she can't keep her hands off his toys! Wait until he is big enough to get into her things, she will not be happy at all!

6 Weeks old

Not sure where we are tipping the scales these days, we will find out in a couple of weeks at our 2 month visit. But by the looks of the double chin, this little boy isn't being starved! Although he, just like us, would probably like to figure out the proper thing for him to eat. We continue with Alimentum as of today, we are on day 4 of this formula, and honestly, he doesn't seem any different, good or bad! I have come to realize that when he cried out during a feeding, he either has a burp hiding, or is just plain done eating and usually ready to sleep or be put down! So I plan to give the Alimentum another day or two to finish it up and make sure I have given it the full chance, and then probably just go back to the Sensitive. I am not sure I am willing to go full Standard Infant formula, but at least a bit closer to normalcy. And then at 6 months of age wean him to regular formula like we did with Rowan.

We do continue on Zantac, and I am still not sure that has made much change. Yes, he sleeps considerably better at night in the last couple of weeks, at least a 2-4 hour stretch (did have a 6 hour stretch once, last wednesday into thursday) but I am not sure I can contribute it to any of the changes we have made. I think he is just getting older and better at tolerating life! Don't get me wrong, he most definitely has a case of reflux that we can't put on the back burner but not sure the medicine makes it any more tolerable. He has his good moments and bad moments with refluxing! Still doesn't spit up hardly ever, and if he does it is a very small amount!

Still a bit constipated occassionally. Maybe needs a suppository once a week. I only give him one if he is fussy and every other option has been visited and it has been a couple days since his last poopy diaper!

At this point, during the day Eddie cat naps in the mornings and late afternoon/evenings. His only long stretch of sleep during the day is from about noon to 3pm -ish. Which has worked out well for the most part for my napping too because that is Rowan's general nap time too.

Tummy time is still a work in progress! Gets stronger every week though. He does seem to track things and us better with his eyes. Can smile up a storm, but not at all times when you want him too. Generally I am not prepared when it comes, thus the fuzzy photos at times, or the iPhone pics!

And, not to be left out...the crazy big sister of 6 week old Baby Edy!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Finnegan's

Before we headed home today, we stopped over at Great Grandma Elaine and Great Grandpa Ron's house. They had stopped over yesterday in the late afternoon/evening while Rowan and I were napping, so we didn't get to see them. So we caught them between church and brunch at their house! Ron and Elaine have barely been home a week from Arizona, and are ready to go back. This has been the worst weather they have ever come home to in the spring!
We tried to catch a picture of them with the 2 kids, but weren't the most successful. Rowan was up at 5am this morning and it was clearly showing! Ron tried to bribe her with a plastic egg filled with candy, but she took it and ran! Little stinker!

Easter 2011

I am sort of sad I didn't get any dressy pictures of the two kids together this Easter, but with travelling and lack of sleep, it was a lost cause. So this is about all I got out of the 2 of them! Oh well, still cute!

Baby Eddie's 1st Easter


After breakfast this morning, Rowan and Grandpa Bill dyed some Easter eggs! Ed colored one egg and of course it was his personal favorite, a brown one! He is patiently waiting for it to soak in each and every color. He felt bad when he realized he was the only one to dye an egg other than Rowan. She did pretty well, I only had a few stains to soak out of her shirt!

Little Eddie slept through the entire process! Maybe next year...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

More Easter fun

One egg hunt isn't quite enough for an almost 3 year old! Luckily there were more eggs to be found back at Grandma and Grandpa's house! Even some eggs on steroids (courtesy of Karen and Doug!)
And even more Easter bunny gifts and baskets inside...
Between the clouds we did manage to get a few minutes of fun in outside. With bubble blowing and some kite flying (barely). Didn't really get any pictures of Rowan without a coat in her Easter attire. We sort of slacked on the Easter 'dress' this year and managed with a recent skirt purchase!

Egg hunt #1

After lunch at Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill's house, we headed into town to Leo's (the local Lyndon Station establishment) for an Easter Egg hunt, and to see the Easter bunny! Rowan did pretty well after strict instructions from Grandma and Grandpa, "go for the plastic eggs!". She ended up with a basket full! We didn't waste any time on the true hard boiled eggs! Needless to say she ended up with lots of candy, and a silver dollar! Some eggs apparently had a 'prize' paper inside where you could pick from the prize table, but we didn't get any of those, they must have been on the bigger kids side!
Eddie sat on the bunny's lap...
Rowan on the other hand had no interest.

Great Grandparents

Eddie got to meet Great Grandma Goldie and Great Grandpa Darrel today. He was all smiles for Great Gma Goldie!

We were in the car late this morning to head to Lyndon Station to have an early Easter lunch with The Blodgett family. Originally we were going to just go for lunch and head home, but instead of travelling two weekends in a row, we decided to stay this weekend only!

Friday, April 22, 2011


I have spent the last couple of days mixing Eddie's formula to gradually get him on Alimentum (for milk protein allergies) and see if it is the final cure. Prior to starting to mix his formula, I did try him on standard full milk based formula for only 48 hours. He really didn't seem all that different, but since I had a full can of Alimentum, I needed to give it the full test and see if it made any difference.

So as of this morning, he has been on all Alimentum feedings and is taking them fine. So I guess the mixing gradually from regular formula to Alimentum was the key. We will see how it goes.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

uncooperative friends

It was so nice to feel a sense of normalcy today and catch up with my long lost friends Lisa and Carolyn! They took the time to travel up to see us and visit. I miss having adult conversations with women, and hearing gossip that doesn't involve myself! We just haven't found friends like we left in the Milwaukee area. Anyways, we had several hours of good chatting and lunch, and then they were on their way home. Hopefully we do it again sooner than later! They weren't so interested in having their picture taken! But I have proof that they were here!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

only in WI...

does it snow in April! Tack on another 8 inches for Neenah! So annoying!

So us fairies just played inside where it was warm and cozy!


Monday, April 18, 2011

5 weeks old...

...and officially smiling!