Sunday, October 31, 2010

trick or treat

 Rowan did an awesome job trick or treating today. We were out for a bit longer than I had anticipated. We started out going house to house with the neighbor girls (5 y/o twins), and they were clearly a bit faster than Rowan, so we only went with them for the first 45 minutes, then headed back towards home and did the houses near us and then were done. But before we were done we had been out for 1.5 hours. At times Rowan wasn't comfortable being at a door by herself, so she wanted me to pick her up. But she said trick or treat most of the time, and always said thank you! Such a polite girl!
This is Rowan when she was done trick or treating, riding her bike and hanging out with McKenna (other neighbor girl, 2 months younger than Rowan) And then of course Dad having a beer with the twins' dad, while Rowan bit it riding her bike! Everyone was okay! 

Friday, October 29, 2010


Last night we squeezed in our pumpkin carving. We had thoughts of forgoing the carving this year, but we didn't buy pumpkins for nothing, and I need pictures to compare in years to come! We didn't do anything with the seeds because I was too lazy, and actually we didn't have a ton of seeds anyway. We actually had one of our four pumpkins with a rotten area, so clearly we waited a little too long. But Rowan had fun, and Ed carved 3 pumpkins to my 1! Oh well!
They looked fun all lit up. Was a chilly night, so we bundled Rowan up for a few pictures before heading to bed.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

the talker

After Rowan goes potty on the big girl potty, she is a broke record saying "I go peeeeee...", of course she didn't do that when trying to record it. But it's too cute! She is working on the potty idea, no poop in the potty though. It's a work in progress! Only at home though!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

24 hours

without a pacifier/nuk!

Rowan hasn't had a pacifier in her possession since yesterday morning when she woke up. This weekend it was proposed by my sister-in-law that maybe being in the big girl bed is the time to ditch the nuk! So I thought I would give it a try. So far so good, I think? Today she hasn't even asked for it...yet!

Yesterday she napped without it, granted it was more difficult for her to settle in for a nap and I ended up laying with her for about 10 minutes until she was asleep. But she did it. Then we met my Aunt Karen in Lomira (45 min drive- one way) to get Gizmo (we didn't have room for him on Sunday with a recliner in the truck) and she made it the whole ride there and back without a nuk. Although, holy talker! She didn't shut up the entire ride. But I will take it! Then last night I again laid with her for a short while to get her to fall asleep, but it wasn't bad at all. BUT, she was up at 11p, 230a, and 545a. At 11p, I heard her so I went into her room and laid with her to keep her in her bed. Then at 230a I just took her back into her room and laid with her again, and at 545a, she was allowed to just come into our bed, and didn't go back to sleep, although sometimes she does. So I guess now I need to learn how to get her to stay in her bed! We can lock her in her room, but listening to her cry in the middle of the night is more work then taking her back to her bed in my mind, we will see what tonight brings! She didn't exactly stay in her toddler bed great every night either!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

much family seen

Not really sure where to start with our eventful weekend of travel and family visited. The whole reason for our travels this weekend were for my cousin Jessie's Baby Shower on Saturday at 1pm in Mukwonago, and my future sister-in-laws Lingerie/Bachelorette Party Saturday at 6pm in Chicago.

So we left Saturday morning and first stopped at Nana and Papa's in Delafield. Originally Ed was going to go golfing with Papa while we were at the shower, but the weather didn't agree with that idea. So we just stopped to drop off Ed's clubs, and for a quick visit (Nana has been sick the last day or two and we didn't want to pick it up).

Then we headed to Karen and Doug's house to drop off Gizmo. They were nice enough to watch him for us while we were in Chicago. So another quick trip there.

Then it was off to Grandpa Kris' house (he was the only one home), for a quick visit and trick or treat! And boy did she get the treats! Nana, Papa, Karen and Doug had some chocolate for her too. But she only really kept her costume on long enough for pictures at Grandpa Kris' house. She hasn't wanted to take the thing off for the last week, and when we want her to wear it, she wants nothing to do with it!
Then after scoring some Halloween goodies, we headed to Mukwonago for the shower. Fashionably early, but we wanted to let the kids play, and visit before hand since we needed to leave by 3pm to head to Chicago. The shower was lovely. I really didn't do a great job of taking pictures this weekend. I don't even have a picture of Jessie (the guest of honor) Should have gotten a picture of her and I together, both pregnant, and me looking more pregnant than her. Not right! We played a couple of games, and snacked, and opened gifts and just visited. It was great to see everyone. Some people I hadn't seen since last Christmas! Rowan and Breyson played pretty good, no getting beat up this time. Well, actually, Rowan probably felt beat up by Sawyer instead. He was totally into Rowan, and was constantly crawling on my lap to get to her, and grabbing her face, and she would whine about his littlest touch! Such a girl. We might be in for a rude awakening when this baby comes! We will see!
Few things about Jessie and baby boy! She is due December 6th, having a boy obviously. And his name is going to be Bennett Michael! Very Cute!

Then we were on the road before 330pm to Chicago! As usual, the drive is fine until we are about 10 miles from our destination, and then the traffic is horrible and it takes us 30-40 min to go that 10 miles! We were lucky enough to stay in a furnished condo that Julie's sister-in-law Kelley lined up for us. So we met Blayne, Molly, Kieran and Grady there. Ordered some pizza for the men and kids to eat.

And then Molly, Jill, Jamie and I headed to the Lingerie shower that was in a different high rise on Lake Shore Drive. As I mentioned previously, I did horrible at taking pictures. But the view from the 60th floor condo in which the shower took place was amazing. I am hoping to get some pictures from other ladies that were there that night to share at a later date. After some snacks and wine, and lingerie gifts, and mingling, we headed to a champagne bar. Mingled some more, and then Molly and I headed back while the rest of the group went to a club! Didn't think shaking my pregnant belly at a club was really appropriate! But it was still midnight by the time we were back at the condo. Then we visited with Dusty and Papa who had joined the husbands and kids earlier, and then finally headed to bed.
This morning we were all up and out the door by 830am to meet Dusty and Papa for breakfast at Flat Top Grill, and to steal some items from Dusty's place. We have gotten back the Smith family recliner that seems to have made it's way around the family. We are super excited. I think it will be very handy with the baby! But it has it's place in our living room already! Dusty and Julie are going to be moving into Julie's condo just before the wedding (it is a 2 bedroom) and Julie's twin sister Jorie is going to be moving into Dusty's condo (1 bedroom), so Dusty had lots of stuff to get rid of with getting new stuff for wedding gifts. So I think all of us left with something of some sort! Mostly kitchen items! So we hung out at Dusty's place until about 1145am, then we all headed our separate ways. We were on our way home! 
We got home shortly after 3pm, and Ed was snoring in this recliner before 4pm! Granted it was brief, but he clearly is happy with the chair!

Friday, October 22, 2010

painting day

or vacation day, whatever!

Ed took a vacation day today, and we spent the entire day painting Rowan's room! Never again! Never again will we paint on a vacation day, and never again will we paint stripes either! We did learn a lot from this experience if we would do it again, but it is just too tedious. And I am a perfectionist, so when it is perfect, it annoys me. You can't tell they aren't perfect in pictures, or maybe even in person unless we point them out. But still. Overall, I am satisfied with how it all turned out.

I have nothing on the walls, and will only put something on the open areas on the sides of the window, but I am in no hurry. I think the pictures of the bedding are a bit deceiving too, it is a bit brighter than the pictures make it out to be. More of a purple color than the burgandy it looks like! But anyway. It is done. Also might be in the market for an ottoman for storage for the foot of the bed? We will see!
Of course Rowan was a great helper. Loved climbing on the ladder and getting in the way. I think Ed and I are lucky to be talking to each other after today.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

pumpkin cookies

Today, Grandma Pam was here to watch Rowan while I was on-call for 12 hours. And she brought some tasty pumpkin shaped sugar cookies to bake and frost. Rowan turned into orange sugar for a short while. She would pretend to put the sugar on the cookie, and then oops, there it went in her mouth! Silly girl!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I felt the babies first movement last night while trying to fall asleep, very subtle, but definitely baby and not gas! Perhaps I shouldn't have had that soda while studying for my PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) class this week, baby wasn't ready for bed like I was!

Monday, October 18, 2010

weekend in review & eighteen weeks

Not too much to report with pictures around this neck of the woods after the weekend. I worked 12 hour days friday, saturday, and sunday. So I was rather non-existent.

Friday, Ed and Rowan drove down to Nana and Papa's house to help move some beds around and help load Rowan's new bed into the neighbors truck for Nana and Papa to bring up for us. After they got everything all moved around, Nana and Papa followed Ed and Rowan back up here. Ed had to work Saturday morning too, so Nana and Papa were nice enough to bring the bed up, spend the night and watch Rowan for us on Saturday while the two of us worked. Then Nana and Papa headed home Saturday afternoon after Ed got home. Nana did bring Rowan's Halloween costume along all finished, but I am not going to share pictures until Halloween, sorry!

Saturday afternoon Ed painted the ceiling in Rowan's room (currently our entire house, walls and ceilings, are all tan) we have decided to paint them white as we paint rooms. So one coat done in Rowan's room, hopefully another this week sometime, and then wall painting friday maybe. If not next week, we have a busy weekend out of town again this weekend, so no painting will get done then!

Sunday was a lazy football day for Ed and Rowan, which was much needed and deserved! Rowan had a nice rash all over her body friday night too, so hoping it doesn't progress to much else. No other symptoms other than some crusty eyes occassionally in the morning. Cross our fingers!

And today (Monday) has been a lazy day for Rowan and I after a weekend full of working. My lack of napping the last 3 days has caught up with me. Sad, I know! I am supposed to have more energy now, not sure it has come yet! Might be the toddler chasing day in and day out!

Otherwise, 18 weeks today, not going to post a belly pic as I am not sure it has changed much. I will say, we have moved on to the maternity clothes, and hospital scrubs for sure after this weekend. Things are just a bit too snug these days. Why not be comfortable!

Ultrasound in 2 weeks, time is flying by!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

pregnancy cOmPaRiSoN...

Looking back, this is the small amount of info I have to compare current pregnancy vs Rowan's pregnancy...

At 16 3/7 weeks with Rowan I had gained 8 pounds according to my scale at home! Didn't go to the MD that week, so no official weight.

At the 14 Week check up with Rowan her heartrate was 144, and at the 18 week ultrasound, her heartrate was 138!

Remember, with this pregnancy, at 17 weeks I have gained 8 pounds, and the babies heartrate was 163!

Monday, October 11, 2010

the tank has died...

Our laptop couldn't handle the Sunday Fantasy workout, and when Ed tried to restart it, it decided to never restart! It is a bittersweet story around here. As much as we have been wanting for this thing to die so we could get a new one, we now don't want to part with the money for a new one. Not sure we have much time to actually research and shop around in the near future anyways, but we miss it already!

4 pumpkins

Rowan posed for a few pictures for me today with our pumpkins! Rowan got a bigger pumpkin at the farm so her little one could be for the 'baby'! She still seems drawn to the little one though!

seventeen weeks

Another week at the doctor. But fairly quick and painless. Blood pressure was fine 98/50, my usual. Weight on the other hand...gained 5 pounds in the last 4 weeks. My doctor didn't comment, but I am feeling like that is too much. Perhaps I need to watch what I am eating and get moving a bit more! I need to look back at my pregnancy with Rowan and see if I am on the same track. Perhaps I am just going to have a bigger baby this time (Rowan was only 6# 7oz) Otherwise, had some blood drawn again. I feel like I am always being poked when I am there! This time we got to hear the babies heartbeat. The heartrate was 163! Again I need to compare to Rowan, but haven't looked back on the blog yet! Will keep you all posted! I know I shouldn't compare, but inquiring minds need to know! Back to the MD in 3 weeks for ultrasound! Hoping that previa has resolved!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

soup du jour

White Chili was the Sunday Soup here! It was yummy! I'm pretty sure Rowan has a 'soup' problem now too. Whenever you ask her what she wants to eat she says soup!

Pumpkins and Apples...

This morning we headed out to a local farm to get some pumpkins and apples. It ended up being a smaller not quite as kid friendly place, but we didn't want to drive an hour to get to a more fun place today, so this worked just fine. Rowan had fun pointing to pumpkins and having her Dad go get them. Got a little dirty in the process, but no biggie.

We also got some Empire apples, and Apple Cider!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

another pictureless post

It was so nice to wake up this morning and feel normal! I have had a headache and sore throat since I left work Tuesday night. I am attributing it to the Flu Shot I got at work on Sunday early morning. Anyway, it is finally gone. The sore throat hasn't really bothered me, but the headache was horrible. No amount of Tylenol and caffeine was working. I am much more tolerable for all when I am feeling semi-normal!

17 Week doctor visit on Monday!

Also, hoping to get to a Pumpkin/Apple Farm this weekend! Might be the last wonderful weekend of the year!

I am also proud to say, I have finally decided on bedding and decor for Rowan's big girl room! We will see if we can get that finished by next weekend! No promises!

White Chili is on the menu for tomorrow!

Excuse the random post! It's weird when one can think straight!

Friday, October 8, 2010

rest stop, this exit

This morning Karen, Doug and Grace stopped by for a quick visit on their way to Pickerel. As usual, they came bearing gifts! Not for me of course! Rowan got a new Princess Tea Set, and a Halloween shirt/pants! In the hour they were here, Rowan managed to show them her swingset inside and out as well. Not many people get out of this house without playing outside with her! They enjoyed it. Karen took a few pictures, so I will post later if she shares them with me.

Speaking of Pickerel, a few weekends ago (Sept 25), my Grandparents were at my Mom and Bill's house for the weekend, so we made a surprise visit that Saturday morning. I forgot my camera at home, and my Mom didn't take any pictures, which is probably why I forgot to mention the trip altogether. We spent the day watching the Badger game, eating lunch, chasing Rowan inside and outside, my Mom baked some cookies at Ed's request, and I don't think she really left the kitchen the entire time we were there. Which would explain the lack of pictures! Anyway, they were all surprised to see us pull up, and enjoyed our visit. We were on the road home before dinner!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

FaShIoNaBle PlAyTiMe

Because the weather was so nice today, Rowan was able to wear her super trendy Gap outfit that Nana and Papa bought her for her birthday. The shoes weren't really practical for the swingset, but Rowan loved them. She was just brushing mulch from between her toes when we came in!

I think Rowan will be happy to share her camera time with her new brother/sister next year. She gets a bit annoyed with the camera in her face all the time! She will thank me someday!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Nana!!! And Tula too..

Today Nana and Tula came up for a last minute day trip! We met Daddy for lunch, went for a walk, played outside! Got a new Halloween outfit! You name it, we did it. Then Nana and Tula headed home for dinner, and Rowan and I took a much needed nap.
The top left photo is Rowan waiving goodbye to an airplane, she can hear them from a mile away, and knows exactly what it is! So goofy!

Monday, October 4, 2010

sixteen weeks

It's okay for a pregnant woman to write about food, right?

I have decided that my craving right now is homemade soup! Last weekend (maybe it was 2 weekends ago now, losing track) Ed made Chili, and it was fabulous, I didn't want it to end, and actually asked him to make more this weekend. But instead he made Vegetable Beef. And it has been just as delightful! If anyone has any good recipes for soup, send them my way!
 This is what Rowan's lip looked like yesterday, the swelling has gone down alot, and now it is mainly bruising and little scabs!
Not much to share about the weekend. Ed worked on Saturday morning, and I worked Saturday and Sunday night. So Sunday was a day of relaxation, football and soup preparation for Rowan and Ed, and sleeping for me. Nothing new on the baby front this week. I have an MD appointment next Monday, so will post more belly pics with that info then!

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Zoo...and a fat lip!

Today we headed to the zoo with Casey and Jake, Andi, Breyson, Sawyer and Maya (Andi's niece that she babysits). It turned out to be a lovely day for it. It was perfect when the sun was out, a bit brisk when it hid behind the clouds. Breyson, Rowan and Maya were very busy running all over the zoo. Jake was a little worry whort thinking they were going to fall while running because they look so uncoordinated. Luckily that didn't happen. But Uncle Jake was ready to dive and save them if they did. They all got to ride on Uncle Jakes shoulders at some point, and be lifted to see animal after animal too!
 All was well until after we had lunch and took this group photo! When Rowan was getting down from the bench, her face hit the cement before her feet or hands, and we had a bloody fat lip on our hands. She wasn't quite herself the rest of the trip. All she wanted was Mom and her nuk, and was content sitting in ther stroller with her baby! She loosened up a little for the petting zoo, but that isn't always her thing anyway, and these goats were fat and in your face for food. Rowan wasn't so into that!
After the zoo, we made one last stop to visit Nana for about an hour before she headed to pick up Papa from the airport, and then we were on our way home! Rowan really did very well in the car the last two days. Slept on and off, and took her owie like a champ. Luckily it is just very big and bruised with some scabbing. No missing teeth or anything! I didn't get any great pictures of her lip because I was lucky to get her out of my arms for minutes not to mention to pull out the camera. You can sort of see it in the top second from the right picture in the collage of Rowan and Casey!