Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekend in Milwaukee...

We were in Milwaukee this weekend for our one and only Brewer game of the summer. My Mom and I got tickets for her and Ed's birthdays this year at Friday's Front Row Grill. I really shouldn't take any credit for it, she did all the work. And it was worth it.

We arrived Saturday afternoon. Had lunch at Karen and Doug's house, and dropped off the dog. Doug was in charge of Gizmo and Cadillac for the weekend. Then we headed to the hotel in Brookfield and took Rowan swimming. Then we headed to the Brewer Game and Karen watched Rowan for us at the hotel. We were originally going to take her to the game with us, but in the end decided it wouldn't be worth it. She wouldn't have sat still and therefore not made the seats worth it for the rest of us. And of course Karen was more than happy to watch her.
As you can see from the pictures from the game, I didn't have anyone really wanting their picture taken. So they are limited. But the table was well worth it. It was very nice being waited on during the game for drinks and food. It was a different view to have balls flying at us, but I think it is easier to pay attention when you are closer to the action. Definitely an experience I wouldn't give back though. We were right above the Brewers bull pen, so we got the see the pitchers up close and personal.
Turns out Rowan fell asleep at 615pm for Karen, due to her lack of napping during the day. But then she was awake when we got back from the game. So we hung out for a short while and then headed to bed. And we were up before 6am, as usual. So we were in the pool before 8am after breakfast. It is entirely to early to be up before 6am, but it is amazing the things you can get done when up that early.
So after swimming, we cleaned up, packed up and headed to pick the dog up from Karen and Doug's. And Rowan was asleep in the car before we even made it from Brookfield to Pewaukee. Therefore we headed home. Rowan slept the entire ride home, and we even got a nice nap in the later afternoon, which was much needed by all.


karen said...

I can really tell that Rowan loves the water! What a little fish!

Cora said...

Oh, I love when they sleep the whole way home. Peace and quiet is the best. Glad that you enjoyed the game.