Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weekend at home...

This weekend ended up being rather low key and relaxed at home. Our plans changed a few times, and this is how it ended up. Which was nice, because they are few and far between usually!

Saturday morning we headed to the Farmers Market in Appleton in the humid mist, then a few stops on the way home. Menards (decided to finish last closet in spare bedroom), Rogan's Shoes (Ed needed new steel toe boots for his new position, which he will finally be starting next week), and Chipotle for Lunch! Then home for naptime!

Oh, I need to back up. We got daring on Friday night and decided to convert Rowan's crib into a toddler bed (which was merely removing the front of the crib). And surprisingly so far it is going okay. She fell asleep friday night without intervention, and slept the entire night without leaving the bed, from 8p-630a. Woke up briefly at 5am and cried, but went right back to sleep. Then nap on Saturday went fine except I had to stay in the room with her for about 5 minutes until she fell asleep. Same thing with going to bed Saturday night. But this morning she was up at 530am! Which is at least 30 minutes too early. But she did make it the entire night. And then nap today was only an hour! So really not too bad for the first few nights!
Rowan was a great helper when Ed was building the shelving for the closet. She kept handing him screws whether he wanted them or not.

Tonight for dinner we made homemade pizza! It was delicious! And Rowan has been drinking chocolate milk with meals with me which is a big step. And we think she actually likes it! I think she drank it in the beginning because she liked drinking out of a big girl cup. But lately she asks for more, so I think she truly likes it!

Oh, and the other random picture of Rowan in the collage is her watching videos of herself. There used to be videos as old as when she first started walking, and then she started deleting things off, so now we randomly have to record new videos for her to watch. Usually all of us singing nursery rhymes that she likes, nothing we would share with the public of course!

On a side note...I am starting to think maybe we should have gotten rid of the pacifier before converting her crib, but that is another hurdle we will deal with further down the road. Just not looking forward to it!


Lisa said...

These pictures are funny because Maya has that same shirt and pjs, I was looking at the pictures thinking those are Maya's but she still has them in her closet.

Nicole said...

What a big girl she is getting to be. Seems so hard to believe she's in a big girl bed! Thanks for the was a long week :-)

Cora said...

Wow what a big girl! Not even a side rail on the crib.