Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunny Saturday in Conover...

We arrived at Lake Buckatoban around lunch time on Saturday, and the weather was beautiful. Glad we soaked up as much lake time as we did since this was our only sunny day of the weekend!  We had some lunch, and then put on our suits and relaxed and played in the water and sand. Rowan had so much fun splashing, and sitting on the pier, and floating in her floaty! She thought it was the coolest thing, way more fun this year than last year!
Rowan got a fishing pole from Karen, Doug, Gpa Bill and Gma Pam! The adults were actually into it more than she was. It ended up losing it's bait by the end of the weekend, but that is okay! She got to go on a boat ride in Deb and Stu's boat, she wasn't so into it, mainly because her life jacket was bothering her, so it was a short ride. She also pretended to drive Doug's boat, which she thought was pretty cool!
We had a mini birthday celebration for Rowan in the evening. Ordered some pizza from a local restaurant, and had some cupcakes too. I think Rowan had at least 2 cupcakes if not more. Well, at least 2 cupcakes worth of frosting for sure. I was lucky to get pictures with her tiara on, she was too interested in the cupcakes to realize there was something on her head! I didn't get great pictures of her decorations, but we had a pink and green tiara theme!
A few pictures of the party and decor!
And of course there were gifts too! Rowan was opening gifts before many even realized or were ready, so the pictures are a bit scant! But the rest of the post makes up for it! She got an interesting bike from Grandma and Grandpa Bill. It has no pedals or training wheels. Apparently it helps kids go right to a real bike, and it may help with her pigeon toes too? We will see. Among the rest of the gifts were some clothes, a beach ball sprinkler, a helmet, a lantern, and chair in a bag, a book, her fishing pole, a beach towel, and many other things I am sure I am leaving out. Thanks Karen, Doug, Gma Pam, Gpa Bill, Great Grandma and Grandpa, Deb and Stu for spoiling her!
A few family shots! Actually turned out pretty cute! Can't believe our baby is turning 2 already! Many more birthday posts to come!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Looks like the birthday girl is off to a great start!