Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hallquist Wedding...

We were all invited to Hawk and Linda's son's wedding tonight.
It was a very nice time. Molly and I stayed back during the actual wedding with the kids, while Blayne, Eddie, Nana and Papa went. We figured why get a babysitter and then have a 2+ hour break between the wedding and cocktails. Then we all attended the dinner and reception, and Aunt Amanda came to watch the 3 kids. Luckily she survived! I was nervous for her!
She had 3 kids for part of the night, and at one point Molly and I picked up Grady and brought him to the reception for a couple hours so it was easier for Molly to feed him rather than running back and forth. It was nice that the reception was at the Red Circle Inn which is only a couple miles from Nana and Papa's house. So then when Grady was asleep for the night, they took him back to Amanda. This is what we came home too after the reception. Two passed out kids. Although they didn't pass out until 10pm, but they did. It is rare for Rowan to fall asleep without a pacifier! Apparently they had fun!
Thanks again Amanda, we really appreciated you watching them. (Oh and Grady wasn't awake when we got home, I just didn't have a picture of him sleeping and couldn't leave him out!)

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