Tuesday, July 13, 2010

2 Year Check-up

This look says it all...
Weight: 26 pounds (40th percentile)
Height: 34.5 inches (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 46 cm (15th percentile)

Overall, Rowan got a good report, except I left the office feeling like a horrible mother. I guess we have just gotten used to Rowan's on and off crabbiness and constant runny nose, and always attribute it to daycare! I really try not to take her to the doctor unless absolutely necessary. She was there 1 week after starting daycare with hand/foot/mouth disease and an ear infection. Obviously worth the visit. Then I had her there in June due to her waking a ton during the night for several days, and she left with a clean bill of health. So today, I take her for her first well visit since living here and leave with a script for Amoxicillin. Yup, sure enough she has an ear infection and her ear drum ruptured it was so bad! Nice Mom, huh! So apparently whenever she was crabbiest last, there was good reason for it. She was in great spirits at the doctors office though.

Otherwise the Nurse Practitioner asked the standard questions, about eating, and talking, and sleeping, etc, etc. I was thinking she might be lagging behind slightly on her talking, but then the few days before her visit she was talking up a storm, in her gibberish of course. She has been saying Thank you (and not just signing it) and Love You, all the time. She can definitely put 2 words together, and usually in a bossy manner. Mom go, Dad go, Mom come, Dadda come, doggy go! Such a girl!

She left the office with 2 bandaids, one from the Hep A vaccine, and the other from a Lead test lab draw. We coulda skipped the lead test, but since her level was elevated at her 1 year appointment and we failed to follow up, I was curious, luckily she didn't even notice the finger prick!

Currently, Rowan is wearing a size 6 shoe, some size 7 (Nike and Gap). Wears some 2T, but definitely still in 18-24 months. She has a shoe obsession just like her mom. And if you ask her what she wants to wear, if Cindy Lou is clean, that is what she grabs. Poor Cindy will be in shreds like some of Daddy's t-shirts before we know it! Not sure what I would say is her favorite toy right now. She still loves to cover anyone and any animal/doll with blankets and help them nap. Grinch is still her sleeping buddy.

Potty training is still a bit off for us I think. Although she does usually tell us when she has pooped, after the fact. But it is a start. I haven't even bought a potty seat yet. Probably will soon though. Hoping maybe we can accomplish the training before we invite another child into the family (no I am not pregnant yet!) Which is why I think it could be possible.

We are still using a pacifier! Probably more than we would have liked at this age, but she does usually willingly give it up if you ask her too. If we haven't ditched it before another child, she will be giving them to her new sibling for sure. She is still sleeping in a crib, hasn't even tried to climb out. So we plan to keep her there until she either climbs out or we need it for another child.

Rowan definitely keeps us on our toes, and proves to us daily how rewarding being parents are!
Love you RowRow!


Nicole said...

Looks like she's going to be tall and thin like her Mama! Sorry to hear about the ear infections, but glad all else is good! Way to go Rowan, such a trooper!

Cora said...

Ooops on the ears. At least once they rupture the pain goes away. And if that's the worst thing you do as her mom, you're doing pretty darn well!

Thanks for the doctor reminder...I still need to make A's 4 year old visit happen.